7 июля, 2019

Zi: Financial incentive for residents is low

Berlin (pag) – The net income of established doctors is only slightly higher than the collectively agreed wages of employed doctors in hospitals. This is the result of a calculation by the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance (Zi) on the basis of the income and expenditure of those in private practice in 2020. The main source of income is the statutory health insurance.

Overall, the income of general practitioners in 2020 amounted to an average of 335,000 euros, according to Zi.Of this, about 78 percent was accounted for by statutory health insurance. After deduction of operating costs, an annual surplus of 172,000 euros remained with a working time of 45 hours per week.

Further expenses are incurred through wage increases, investments or taxes as well as payments into retirement provision or pension and long-term care insurance. In the end, the disposable income is an amount of 86,000 euros per practice owner. Part of this was due to income from the treatment of privately insured patients. 

«The health insurance companies create only moderately attractive conditions for the independent establishment,» warns Dr. Dominik von Stillfried, Chairman of the Zi. If one compares this with the collectively agreed wage of a senior physician with at least three years of activity, a small plus of a few hundred euros per year would remain. However, established companies shouldered the extensive responsibility of their practice – organization, law and efficiency. If the income from privately insured persons were lost, working in a hospital offered a higher financial incentive.In addition, there would be further restrictions for practice owners due to the recently passed GKV Financial Stabilization Act. «This has to change. If you want a resilient and efficient health care system, you have to promote independent activity in practices,» says von Stillfried. 

This full text is unfortunately reserved for medical professionals

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Source — https://www.univadis.de/viewarticle/zi-finanzieller-anreiz-fur-niedergelassene-ist-gering

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