4 июня, 2020

Tuscany, presentation of regional reform projects in Pistoia

Pistoia, 7 Feb. — (Adnkronos Salute) — Tomorrow, Wednesday 8 February, starting at 9.00 am, in the Cinzia Lupi room of the San Jacopo hospital in via Ciliegiole 97 in Pistoia, there will be the presentation of regional reform projects: continuity of care, emergency urgency and reorganization of integrated networks starting from the experiences in the central Tuscany ASL.

For the institutional greetings will intervene the president of the Region, Eugenio Giani, the deputy mayor of Pistoia, Anna Maria Celesti, the president of the «Health and Social Policies» commission of the Regional Council, Enrico Sostegni, the general director of the Usl Toscana centro, Paolo Morello.

The introductory speeches are entrusted to Simone Bezzini regional councillor for the right to health and Serena Spinelli regional councillor for Social Policies.

At 10.30 Federico Gelli, director of the Health, Welfare and Social Cohesion Directorate of the Tuscany Region will talk about regional reforms.

At 11.00 Michela Maielli, head of the hospital care, quality and clinical networks sector of the Region will intervene to illustrate the reorganization of the Emergency Urgency.

Adriano Peris, Head of the program for the Usl Toscana centro, and Piero Paolini, director of the Territorial Emergency Area 118, will talk about the Reorganization of the 118 Health Emergency.

Daniela Matarrese, head of the territorial health care sector for the Tuscany Region, Alessio Lubrani Director of the Nue 112 Operations Center and Daniele Mannelli, director of the affiliated area government, will then intervene on the Reorganization of continuity of care.

After the break for lunch, the work will resume at 2.30 pm to talk about the reorganization of the territory in application of Ministerial Decree 77.To do so will be Daniela Matarrese, Barbara Trambusti responsible for the Region of social and health integration and Elisabetta Alti, director of the Department of General Medicine of the Ausl Toscana Centro. A topic on which Rosella Boldrini, Paolo Zoppi, Sandra Moretti, Lorenzo Baggiani, Valeria Dubini and Enrico Benvenuti will also speak.

At 16 space for questions and at 16.45 the conclusions entrusted to the regional councilor for the right to health, Simone Bezzini.

It is also possible to participate in the meeting remotely through the Whereby platform by clicking first on https://dgausltc.whereby.com/direttore-generale-ausl-tc writing your name and then on joint meeting.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/toscana-a-pistoia-presentazione-dei-progetti-regionali-di-riforma

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