27 ноября, 2020

Turin promotes Observatory on TSO and ASO, the first city in Italy

Turin, 24 Mar. (Adnkronos) — Turin will be the first city in Italy to have an Observatory on health treatments without consent. This is what is provided for by the convention for the establishment of a research and study group on the issues of mandatory health checks (ASO) and compulsory health treatments (TSO) signed today by the Municipality, University, Guarantor of prisoners, ASL City of Turin and   City of Health and Science.

The convention launches a work programme whose main objectives are research, study, awareness-raising, training and monitoring of health treatments without consent and which will culminate in the establishment of the Observatory.

In particular, research will be launched on ‘hospital’ and ‘non-hospital’ health treatments without consent and a dossier will be drawn up that will be available in January 2024.In detail, the statistical-quantitative reconstruction of the number of ASO/TSOs carried out in the City of Turin is envisaged, with a focus on the socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects concerned.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/torino-promuove-osservatorio-su-tso-e-aso-prima-citta-in-italia

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