29 декабря, 2023

Surgery: Milan, augmented reality for knee prosthesis implant at San Donato

Milan, 23 Feb. (Adnkronos Health) () — Performed in Milan «an innovative and futuristic intervention, which uses augmented reality technology and smart glasses for the positioning of a knee prosthesis». It was completed by Augusto Dagnino, head of Orthopedics I of the Irccs Policlinico San Donato, with his team. «Using the NextAR augmented reality platform, developed with the aim of improving precision and efficiency in computer-assisted surgery», the doctors «were able to plan the entire intervention with the utmost precision, from the pre-surgical analysis to the insertion of the prosthesis», explain the structure of the San Donato Group.

The patient — describes a note — initially undergoes a pre-operative CT scan, followed by the elaboration, with the support of the engineers of the manufacturer of the device, of a model in three dimensions of the knee and the design of the prosthesis best suited to the problem to be treated.The surgeon uses the 3D model for surgery planning, in order to decide, for example, the extent of damaged bone and cartilage portions to be removed and determine the optimal placement for the implant, based on the specific anatomical characteristics of the patient and in order to restore knee function. At the beginning of the procedure the surgeon wears smart glasses that allow the visualization of all the information about the patient, necessary to perform the previously planned surgery. Two sensors positioned above and below the knee joint transmit precise and real-time information to the system and therefore to the smart glasses, to allow the prosthesis to be implanted in a programmed and optimal manner, allowing the surgeon to promptly make any changes during the operation, thus optimizing execution times and the result of the intervention.

The surgery requires spinal anesthesia and lasts about 40-50 minutes. It is currently available for knee replacements, but will soon be extended to other joint replacement procedures, specify Gsd.

«Reduced surgical times, minimally invasive and more conservative intervention than traditional surgery, no need for drainage and faster recovery times: these are the advantages for the patient of this new technology», lists Dagnino.

«Augmented reality — he comments — represents a further step forward compared to robotic surgery, with an advantage, as we have seen, not only for the patient, but also for the surgeon who can use a high-precision instrument for the reconstruction of the patient’s bone morphology, able to support him before and during the operation».

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