Naples, 15 Mar. (Adnkronos Health) — Sos prevention for colorectal cancer. In 2022 only 3 out of 10 Italians underwent screening for early diagnosis, offered free of charge from 50 years of age. In 70% of cases the invitation was not accepted, due to laziness, fear or fatalism. «We will have an epidemic of colorectal cancer in the coming years, identified in a more advanced form, due to the effects of the pandemic that has blown up screening, but also for the low propensity of citizens to do them», warns Fortunato Ciardiello, full professor of the Department of Precision Medicine of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, from the conference The Naples Conference on colorectal cancer, underway in Naples until March 17.
In 2022, more than 48 thousand new cases of colorectal cancer were estimated in Italy. «In 2023 they will increase again — says Ciardiello -. In addition, we are starting to see more and more cases under 50 years of age.» Also for this tumor the age of onset is lowered and younger patients increase. «Among the causes — he explains — a wrong diet, alcohol abuse among young people and smoking. We want to reiterate that prevention passes through correct lifestyles and that discovering a tumor at an early stage makes a difference in terms of healing». The test for occult blood in the stool, for example, is able to reduce mortality by about 30%, oncologists recall. «You have to do screenings and not be afraid of colonoscopy,» Ciardiello recommends.
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