13 марта, 2024

Rare diseases, Gastroenterology Umberto I Rome enters EU excellence

Rome, 28 Feb. (Adnkronos Salute) — The Gastroenterology Unit of the Umberto I University Hospital in Rome, directed by Domenico Alvaro, has obtained the Ern Rare-Liver recognition in the clinical management of rare liver diseases. The Ern Rare-Liver — explain the hospital — is a European network of high quality centers in the clinical management of rare liver diseases in adults and children. The important recognition confirms the role of absolute weight of the polyclinic within the international healthcare landscape and attests to the high quality of the services provided.

«Once again — says the rector of Sapienza University, Antonella Polimeni — we obtain a result of great value for our center of excellence, a recognition at European level of the high quality work of Sapienza and Policlinico Umberto I.The Gastroenterology Unit is the demonstration of how research is an integral part of the care activity in our university hospitals, at the service of citizens for the promotion of health and public health. This recognition rewards the merit of the center and enhances the daily commitment of the professionals who work there with passion and determination».

«An important certificate for the excellent work done by our clinicians — says Fabrizio d’Alba, general director of the Policlinico Umberto I — which confirms once again the validity of the path we have taken. A path aimed at strengthening the union and close collaboration between the Policlinico Umberto I and the Sapienza University which, as in this case, translates into exceptional scientific results made available for the care of our patients».

The Gastroenterology Unit of the Policlinico Umberto I, a clinical and translational research center — recalls a note — has been dealing for many years with rare liver diseases and in particular with autoimmune diseases (biliary or sclerosing cholangitis, autoimmune hepatitis), genetic cholestases, biliary malformations and genetic diseases such as hemochromatosis, Wilson, polycystic liver, as well as rare liver tumors such as cholangiocarcinoma, vascular diseases and liver diseases of pregnancy.

«These are rare diseases — says Domenico Alvaro, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Sapienza University of Rome and director of the Gastroenterology Unit — which are part of a high group of diseases with an important impact on patients’ daily lives.For the treatment of these diseases we have accurate diagnostic algorithms that allow us to stratify patients with absolute precision and to administer them innovative therapies capable of changing their clinical history».

The Gastroenterology Unit has developed dedicated diagnostic and therapeutic pathways — on an outpatient Day Hospital or ordinary hospitalization — which include liver biopsy, endoscopy, elastography, paracentesis, magnetic resonance imaging, Cpre (endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography), Tips (transjugular porto-systemic shunt), extracorporeal perfusion, locoregional treatments, molecular characterization, target therapies, immunotherapy, off-label therapies and transplantation of liver.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/malattie-rare-gastroenterologia-umberto-i-roma-entra-in-eccellenze-ue

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