7 июля, 2019

Zi: Financial incentive for residents is low

Berlin (pag) – The net income of established doctors is only slightly higher than the collectively agreed wages of employed doctors in hospitals. This is the result of a calculation by the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance (Zi) on the basis of the income and expenditure of those in private practice in 2020. The […]

6 июля, 2019

AIFA Operating Procedure (OP) for RLFV and CRFV

AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco AIFA Operating Procedure (OP) for RLFV and CRFV The new versions of the operating procedures for the activities of Local Pharmacovigilance Managers (RLFV) and Regional Pharmacovigilance Centres (CRFV) are now available. Published on: For more information:https://www.aifa.gov.it/rete-nazionale-di-farmacovigilanza – Reproduction reserved and for personal use Access to the site is restricted and […]

27 июня, 2019

High step count in older adults linked to reduced cardiovascular risk

The risks are already falling well below the 10,000-step mark. Insight The risk of cardiovascular disease events decreases in the older adult population as the number of steps walked daily increases. 6,000–9,000 steps per day are associated with up to 50 % less risk than 2,000  Steps. Why this matters Many adults don’t get the amount […]

15 июня, 2019

Revisione della lista dei farmaci, delle sostanze biologicamente e farmacologicamente attive e delle pratiche mediche, il cui impiego e’ considerato doping

Decreto – Gazzetta Ufficiale n.264 del – Supplemento ordinario n.38 Revisione della lista dei farmaci, delle sostanze biologicamente e farmacologicamente attive e delle pratiche mediche, il cui impiego e’ considerato doping                       IL SOTTOSEGRETARIO DI STATO                             alla salute                             di concerto con                       IL SOTTOSEGRETARIO DI STATO             alla Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri                   con delega […]

8 июня, 2019

Hospital doctors – failure to recognize non-material damage

FNOMCeO Corte di Cassazione ordine , n. 31332 Medici ospedalieri – non-recognition of moral damage Corte di Cassazione ordine , n. 31332 – Medici ospedalieri – non-recognition of non-material damage – The Supreme Court observed that, in matters of civil liability, the unitary and all-inclusive nature of non-material damage must be interpreted as meaning that […]