3 августа, 2019

Case report — A five-year-old boy with swelling of the eyelids

Messages key A rare differential diagnosis of «eyelid swelling» is Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). It should be taken into account especially in cases of anamnesis and atypical clinical presentation. The diagnosis of LCH is confirmed histologically, explains a team of authors led by Christoph A. Reichelen of the Otolaryngology Clinic of the Ludwig Maximilian University […]

2 августа, 2019

Salt sensitivity of blood pressure in women

Abstract Several clinical and large population studies indicate that women are more sensitive to salt than men, however, the precise mechanisms by which the onset of sexual dimorphism manifests itself are not yet fully understood.Here, we evaluate recent epidemiological data and highlight current knowledge from studies investigating the sex-specific mechanisms of salt-sensitive blood pressure (SSBP). […]

27 июля, 2019

Opioid use of cancer patients decreased after legalization of medical marijuana therapy

Knowledge Legalization of medical marijuana was associated with a relative 6–19—% reduction in opioid delivery in middle-aged patients on active cancer treatment. Why this matters Patients receiving cancer treatment may be using medical marijuana as a substitute for opioids. Study design US cross-sectional cohort study in adults aged 18–64  Years in the 6  months after […]

26 июля, 2019

Cimo Sicilia, at risk of closure Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Taormina

Palermo, 16 Mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — At risk of closure the departments of Cardiology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery of the San Vincenzo hospital in Taormina, in Messina. To launch the alarm is the regional secretary of Cimo Sicilia Giuseppe Bonsignore. «The structures of excellence active in the San Vincenzo hospital in Taormina in agreement with […]

19 июля, 2019

EMA: Approval recommendation for maralixibate chloride

The At its October 2022 meeting, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) adopted a  Recommendation for Maralixibate chlorid (Livmarli,Mirum Pharmaceuticals International): The potent, reversible, selective inhibitor of ileal bile acid transporter is indicated for the treatment of cholestatic pruritus in patients with Alagille syndrome (ALGS) from […]

17 июля, 2019

Piovella (Soi), ‘slow and gradual eye diseases, prevention is sight-saving’

Rome, March 7. (Adnkronos Health) — «Eye diseases can be slow, gradual and sometimes without symptoms, and when the problem manifests itself the damage is now irreversible. Prevention allows us to safeguard our sight. A very important view because it controls 84% of relations with the outside world. That’s why a simple medical-ophthalmological examination does […]

11 июля, 2019

Edit Veklury Registry (Remdesivir) Early Treatment

AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco Modify Veklury Register (remdesivir) early treatment Users of the Drug Registries subject to Monitoring are informed that, following the CTS decision, the Registry of the medicinal product Veklury (remdesivir), under the NHS reimbursement regimen, has been amended for the following therapeutic indication: Treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), adult and […]

7 июля, 2019

Inclusion in Table I of the specific indication of MDMB-5Br-INACA,CUMIL-INACA, CUMIL-1Cl-CHSINACA

Ministry of Health Decree — Official Gazette n.300 of Update of the tables containing the indication of narcotic and psychotropic substances, referred to in the Decree of the President of the Republic 9 October 1990, n.309 and subsequent amendments and additions Insertion in Table I of the specific indication of MDMB-5Br-INACA, CUMIL-INACA, CUMIL-1Cl-CHSINACA.                         […]

7 июля, 2019

Zi: Financial incentive for residents is low

Berlin (pag) – The net income of established doctors is only slightly higher than the collectively agreed wages of employed doctors in hospitals. This is the result of a calculation by the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance (Zi) on the basis of the income and expenditure of those in private practice in 2020. The […]