7 декабря, 2019

Acupressure against sleep disorders in people with cancer

A comparison of 6 treatments: manual acupuncture, electroacupuncture, acupressure, sham treatment, improved usual treatment and no treatment. Doctors should be trained to offer acupressure to cancer patients with sleep problems, according to the authors of a new study that found this treatment to be more effective than acupuncture and improved supportive treatment. It is estimated […]

6 декабря, 2019

Statins protect people aged ≥ 55 years from intracerebral hemorrhage

Knowledge Middle-aged adults and older adults taking statins were at lower risk for both lobar and non-lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICB). The benefit increased with the duration of therapy. Why this matters An association was uncertain based on previous research. The pathophysiology of lobary ICB (predominance of amyloid angiopathy) differs somewhat from that of non-lobar ICB (predominance of […]

3 декабря, 2019

15 recommendations for respiratory management in neuromuscular diseases

Patients suffering from neuromuscular diseases (NMD) often present with breathing difficulties: respiratory failure and the inability to mobilize secretions are frequently the cause of death. To help physicians manage the respiratory of these patients, the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) has released guidelines based on the best available evidence. The recommendations cover various aspects, […]

29 ноября, 2019

Dysphagia in Parkinson’s syndromes: how to treat?

Core messages Many Parkinson’s patients develop swallowing disorders caused by their neurodegenerative disease over time. A possible consequence of dysphagia can be life-threatening aspiration pneumonia. Privatdozentin Dr. med. habil. Inga Claus (University Hospital Münster, ParkinsonZentrum Münster/Osnabrück) and Professor Dr. med. Tobias Warnecke (Department of Neurology and Neurological Early RehabilitationKlinikum Osnabrück, ParkinsonZentrum Münster/Osnabrück) explain in a […]

24 ноября, 2019

Ethics Council comments on the challenges of artificial intelligence

Core messages The German Ethics Council has published a statement in which it comprehensively examines and evaluates the effects of digital technologies on human self-understanding and coexistence. «The use of AI must expand human development, not diminish it. AI must not replace humans. These are basic rules for ethical evaluation,» says Professor Alena Buyx, Chairwoman […]

15 ноября, 2019

It is said in Villa — Prevention is not a points card

Luckily It is not yet a bill, nor is it a measure about to start. The «points health card», which provides incentives such as ski passes and free entrances to the spa for those who accumulate virtuous behaviors in terms of prevention, is still only the boutade  of Lombardy’s Councillor for Welfare, Guido Bertolaso, thrown […]

11 ноября, 2019

Chronic pain increases the risk of dementia

Around half of all patients with chronic pain report suffering from several parts of the body.Physicians speak of «multi-site chronic pain» (MCP). With the number of pain locations, the risk of dementia also increases, reports a team led by Yiheng Tu from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing in the journal»Proceedings of the National Academy […]

10 ноября, 2019

Lauterbach’s hospital reform not constitutional?

That a major hospital reform is necessary – the federal and state governments agree on this. On the other hand, there is disagreement about the «how». Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is getting more and more headwind from the federal states. 3 federal states now even want to have the reform legally examined. At the […]

6 ноября, 2019

White Paper to inform, educate, cure: towards a participatory and integrated model of Italian alcology

White Paper to inform, educate, treat: towards a participatory and integrated model of Italian alcology From epidemiological data released by the World Health Organization, alcohol is considered the fifth risk factor for the global disease burden. In the 30 countries of the European Union, 5.5% of all deaths were caused by alcohol, largely from oncological […]

4 ноября, 2019

European Commission approves dengue virus vaccine

Knowledge The European Commission has approved a tetravalent dengue vaccine (live vaccine, attenuated [TAK-003]) for the prevention of dengue virus (DENV) dengue fever for persons aged ≥ 4& years , regardless of previous exposure to DENV.This is the second dengue fever vaccine to be approved in the European Union, following the approval of a first dengue vaccine […]