4 февраля, 2020

Prevention and control of healthcare-related infections in surgery

Prevention and control of healthcare-related infections in surgery Multi-Corporate Document Healthcare-related infections (HAIs) pose a serious threat to public health in our country and in the world. The phenomenon of HAIs goes hand in hand with that of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The consequences that HAIs and AMR have on public health can and must be […]

23 января, 2020

Diabetes incidence continues to rise in children and young adults

Trends in the incidence of juvenile-onset type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the United States, 2002–18: Results from the population-based study SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Abstract Background The incidence of diabetes is increasing in children and youth.Our objective was to describe the incidence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children and […]

19 января, 2020

Pisa. at work on Saturdays and Sundays to break down waiting lists

Pisa, 10 Mar. — (Adnkronos) — At work also on Saturdays and Sundays to break down the waiting lists at the University Hospital of Pisa. «Well done,» applauds the president of Tuscany Eugenio Giani. «Offering diagnostic services also on Saturdays and Sundays, in addition to investing in new equipment as we are already doing, is […]

19 января, 2020

Foreign doctors in Schillaci: ‘National rules are needed on circumcisions’

Milan, 24 Mar. (Adnkronos Health) — Regulate ritual circumcisions to protect the health of children, because the interventions performed in our country are clandestine and ‘do it yourself’ in 4 cases out of 10. Foreign doctors in Italy launch an appeal to the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, for «an urgent meeting» on the subject, […]

6 января, 2020

Planetary research: volcanic eruption discovered on Venus?

Venus may lack the plate tectonics that are responsible for most earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on Earth. However, it is undisputed that the planet closest to Earth is also volcanically active: The more than 1000 Venusian volcanic craters that can be seen on radar images are clear evidence of this. Some of these volcanoes may also […]

2 января, 2020

Danish study: Control of cardiovascular risks in type 1 diabetes improved

Miriam Tucker Erkenntnis In the last decade, an encouraging improvement in cardiovascular Risk factors in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Denmark. But only a minority meet national and international treatment targets for HbA1c, BD and Low-density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol. The use of lipid-lowering drugs (LLDs) and antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) decreased after 2012. Physicians should […]

2 января, 2020

Doctors update, on Doctor’s Life Ecm and Fad restart

Rome, 26 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — The new three-year period, 2023-2025, for the mandatory training of health professions begins and the season of refresher courses (ECM and FAD) for doctors on Doctor’s Life, published by Adnkronos Salute and available on the Doctor’sLife.it website and on-demand on Sky, starts again. Three courses are available: hip prosthetic […]

30 декабря, 2019

T2D patients with acute coronary syndrome: ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel

Insight In subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and acute coronary syndrome (AKS), those randomly assigned ticagrelor showed significantly lower rates of serious adverse cardiac events (MACE) and mortality. Light bleeding was significantly more common with ticagrelor, but severe bleeding was not. Why this matters The guidelines recommend dual platelet aggregation inhibition (DAPT) with and . However, a more potent antiplatelet […]

14 декабря, 2019

Updating of the tables containing the indication of narcotic and psychotropic substances

Ministry of Health Decree — Official Gazette n.249 of Update of the tables containing the indication  of  narcotic and psychotropic substances of which  al  decree  del  President  of the Republic 9 October 1990,  n.  309,  e  next  modifications  and integrations. Inclusion in Table I of the  substance  tramadol.Insertion of the  tramadol  between  i  medicinal products  […]