11 марта, 2020

Spinal cord stimulation can alleviate diabetic neuropathy

Patients with diabetic neuropathy had both pain relief and neurological improvements 2-_ years after the start of spinal cord stimulation with 10-kHz. This is according to research published prior to its presentation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. The results are based on the longest available follow-up to spinal cord stimulation […]

11 марта, 2020

Web activation and publication of monitoring cards — First-line Opdivo Registry (Adenocarcinoma of the stomach, junction and esophagus)

AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco Web activation and publication of monitoring cards — First-line Opdivo Registry (Adenocarcinoma of the stomach, junction and esophagus) Users of the Drug Registries subject to Monitoring are informed that, following the publication of the AIFA Determine in the OJ no. 256 of , starting from it is possible to use, […]

6 марта, 2020

Colorectal cancer screening, virtual colonoscopy vs FIT

In population screening, a single CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) has an identification rate of colorectal cancer (CRC) and advanced adenoma greater than a single fecal immunochemical test (FIT for the detection of occult blood in feces). However, three rounds of FIT have a significantly higher identification rate than virtual colonoscopy.To say it is an Italian […]

27 февраля, 2020

Stroke: Is lysis safe after administration of oral anticoagulants?

Large international cohort study finds «insufficient evidence of excessive harm» from this off-label application. Knowledge Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) appeared in patients with ischemic stroke who had occurred in the last 48  hours of direct oral anticoagulant nbsp (DOAC) were not associated with an excessive risk of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage. Why this matters US-American and European Guidelines […]

22 февраля, 2020

Medicine, in Florence conference on skin lesions of the lower limbs

Florence, 2 mar. (Adnkronos Health) — The presence of a skin lesion of the lower limb can lead to a marked decline in the quality of life. To understand how to improve the care and assistance to patients with skin lesions, even serious ones, specialists of the Asl Toscana Centro and leading national and international […]

14 февраля, 2020

Diverticular disease and risk of neoplasia

Diverticular disease is a clinically significant and symptomatic diverticulosis, so defined by the presence of diverticula of the colon wall. Diverticular disease is a common gastrointestinal disorder associated with variable presentations. The overall prevalence of diverticulosis increases with age. About 50% of individuals aged > 60 years will have diverticulosis that will be present in […]

14 февраля, 2020

Ricerca: diabete, pancreas artificiale sempre più realtà

Roma, 27 ott. (Adnkronos Salute) () — I microinfusori portatili hanno cambiato la vita delle persone affette da diabete. Ma sarà l’arrivo del cosiddetto ‘pancreas artificiale’, previsto verosimilmente fra 3-4 anni, che rivoluzionerà completamente la vita dei pazienti, liberandoli dalla necessità dell’auto-misurazione della glicemia con gli strumenti che siamo abituati a conoscere e dalla necessità […]

9 февраля, 2020

Urgent measures to contain and manage the COVID-19 outbreak concerning the use of respiratory protective equipment

Ministry of Health Ordinance of — Official Gazette n.255 of Urgent measures for the containment and management of the Covid-19 epidemic concerning the use of devices of  protection  respiratory tract                        THE MINISTER OF HEALTH    Having regard to Articles 32, 117,  comma  2,  letter  q),  e  118  of the Constitution;   Having regard to […]

7 февраля, 2020

Not so private: saccadic movements give clues about decisions

New research led by scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder suggests that the eyes may actually be the window to the soul or, at least, the way humans move their eyes can reveal valuable information about how they make decisions. The vigor of saccadic movements reflects the increase in decision variables during deliberation Highlights […]