5 июня, 2024

In terms of risk, is a low or high level of SHBG more problematic?

It is unclear who this individual is. The biological effects of sex steroid hormones are significantly influenced not by their total blood fraction, but rather by the plasma concentration of free (bioavailable) steroids.The levels of SHBG (a trap protein that irreversibly binds testosterone) and albumin were also measured. It is important to consider this when […]

5 июня, 2024

Study Global Burden of Disease: a germ, but more than 1 million deaths

Erkenntnis 5 bacterial pathogens – Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa – were collectively responsible for over 50 % of global bacterial deaths in 2019. Why this matters Prevention measures and, especially in very young patients, visits to the doctor should be called upon if infections are suspected. Key results 33 investigated bacterial pathogens were in […]

3 июня, 2024

A young man with a smart watch

With a smartwatch for a few hundred euros, wearers can derive a simple ECG (1-lead electrocardiogram). This should serve their «heart health», for example, by detecting atrial fibrillation and timely stroke prevention  can be initiated. However, such a smart watch can also harm the health of the wearer, as now confirmed by the medical history […]

1 июня, 2024

Elderly cirrhosis patients: In search of the cause of dementia

Dementia symptoms often occur along with hepatic encephalopathy (HE) in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, a recent study shows. «As patients with cirrhosis age, we encounter numerous individuals who may be susceptible to both diseases,» said lead author Dr. Jasmohan Bajaj, a professor of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center […]

23 мая, 2024

Some patients with neuroendocrine tumors prefer quality of life over longevity

Patients with neuroendocrine tumors, who may have a much longer life expectancy than those with aggressive tumors, report prioritizing quality of life (QoL) factors, such as remaining independent, rather than longer survival. However, they believe that doctors often do not share their priorities, according to a study published in Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer […]

17 мая, 2024

Melanoma or advanced NSCLC: immune checkpoint inhibitors for octogenarians?

Conclusions A retrospective cohort indicates that patients aged ≥80 years have reasonably good survival and safety outcomes with immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) inhibitors for melanoma or non-small cell lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC) in advanced stages, but 18.5% discontinue treatment due to grade 3–4 toxicity. Why it matters The first real-world study on the […]

14 мая, 2024

An email for an extra vaccination

Key messages A randomized trial shows that sending emails to recommend the flu vaccine increases the vaccination rate among recipients. Not all messages work: those who have received a reminder or a message emphasizing the benefits for cardiovascular health have been encouraged to undergo vaccination. The increase in vaccination rate is modest, but requiring minimal […]

10 мая, 2024

Hepcludex or Myrcludex B for hepatitis B with Delta agent?

Hepatitis B with Delta agent, also known as «superinfection,» is a serious viral disease that affects the liver. It is distinguished by a more rapid and severe course than hepatitis B virus. Patients infected with this virus are at risk of developing cirrhosis and liver cancer.According to official statistics, approximately 20 million individuals worldwide are […]

7 мая, 2024

Is there a greater sensitivity to salt in women?

Key messages Sodium sensitive blood pressure (salt-sensitive blood pressure, SSBP) occurs when blood pressure rises or decreases by more than 10% in response to dietary salt intake. It is a pathophysiological condition, partly hereditary, which involves 50 to 80% of hypertension diagnoses. The main results reported by a review published in Hypertension shows that women, […]

7 мая, 2024

Some noncardiac biomarkers are predictive of myocarditis from immune checkpoint inhibitors

Elevated levels of these noncardiac immune biomarkers should suggest the need to investigate the presence of myocarditis in cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Researchers devised a new biomarker strategy to identify patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) who may develop myocarditis.Some biomarkers were raised up to 30 days before admission for myocarditis and […]