1 марта, 2021

HPV vaccination, better not to wait

by Elena Riboldi (Agenzia Zoe) Key messages The prevalence of infection with high-risk oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) is much higher in girls who undergo specific vaccination after the onset of sexual activity and not before. It is advisable to follow the vaccination schedule that recommends vaccination at an age that is highly likely […]

27 февраля, 2021

Diagnosis and clinical management of the patient with Hepatitis Delta

Diagnosis and clinical management of patients with Hepatitis Delta AISF and SIMIT operational indications The arrival of new treatments for patients suffering from chronic hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) capable of interfering with the life cycle of this virus, with consequent improvement of liver necrosis indices and the course of the disease itself, has pushed AISF […]

12 февраля, 2021

Salt intake and high blood pressure

Can moderate dietary salt restriction help patients with hypertension? Moderate dietary salt restriction improves blood pressure and mental well-being in patients with primary aldosteronism: the salt CONNtrol trial Background The primary aldosteronism (AP) is a common cause of hypertension. Excess aldosterone along with high dietary salt intake aggravates cardiovascular damage, despite treatment with mineralocorticoid receptor […]

7 февраля, 2021

Naples, young Ukrainian with kidney and liver cancer saved at Pascale

Rome, 23 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — A 21-year-old Ukrainian man suffering from a serious form of kidney and liver cancer has been rescued at the Pascale Institute in Naples. The tumor was discovered in January 2021 and in Ukraine he underwent a first operation, which was negative due to heavy bleeding. The mother, who had […]

7 февраля, 2021

Bacterial composition in the intestine associated with depressive symptoms

The composition of bacterial species in the human gut is associated with depressive symptoms in at least 6 ethnic groups, according to the results of two cohort studies published at the same time, in which the faecal microbiome was compared with clinical diagnoses in the Netherlands. A possible causal relationship is supported by the fact […]

6 февраля, 2021

In Lampedusa new paediatric PPI, Schifani ‘maintained commitment’

Palermo, 23 mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — The activities of the new pediatric First Intervention Point (PPI) of the Lampedusa polyclinic will start tomorrow at 4.30 pm. «When I visited the island the last time — recalls the president of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani — I made a commitment with the population of the Pelagie […]

24 января, 2021

Lung cancer: Are healthy lifestyle interventions effective?

Conclusions A meta-analysis indicates that healthy lifestyle interventions, such as promoting physical activity, improving psychological strategies, and introducing dietary changes, are effective in lung cancer patients, including those in the more advanced stages (stages III and IV) of the disease. Benefits include improved quality of life (QoL), reduced psychological distress, and fewer cancer-related symptoms (e.g., […]

22 января, 2021

Cardiotoxic anthracycline: Perhaps atorvastatin protects

Prophylactic administration of atorvastatin (40 mg/day) for 12 months in lymphoma patients treated with anthracyclines was associated with a lower rate of cardiac systolic dysfunction than placebo. Women, people over the age of 52, obese people and patients treated with doses of anthracycline above 250 mg/m² benefited particularly well from the statin. «These data support […]

13 января, 2021

EMA recommends extension of trastuzumab deruxtecan

The At its November 2022 meeting, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines for Human Use (EMA) Renewal recommended for Trastuzumab deruxtecan (Enhertu, Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH): The antibody-drug conjugate directed against HER2 will also be indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with advanced HER2-positive gastric […]