19 ноября, 2023

An initiative to reduce urine cultures for asymptomatic bacteriuria

Highlights To wisely choose the initiative to reduce urine cultures for asymptomatic bacteriuria and catheter-associated asymptomatic bacteriuria in an 11-hospital safety net system Summary Background Treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is common.Overtreatment of ASB leads to harm, including adverse effects of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, and longer length of stay. Methods This quality improvement initiative focused […]

19 ноября, 2023

A new link between physical activity and hospitalization risk

Key messages More intense levels of physical activity could prevent hospitalization for 25 common ailments. 20 minutes of daily physical activity could be a useful non-pharmacological intervention to prevent hospitalizations and improve the patient’s quality of life. Why it matters Physical activity is usually associated with a decreased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.However, […]

17 ноября, 2023

Bladder carcinoma: nutritional status predicts postoperative results

Erkenntnis In patients with clinically localized  Bladder carcinoma is a poor nutritional status according to Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score independently associated with poorer postoperative morbidity and mortality.  Why this matters CONUT is simple and cost-effective and can contribute to stratification and treatment decisions through preoperative patient evaluation. Study design Study of 347 patients with […]

18 октября, 2023

No evidence of link between proton pump inhibitors and gastric cancer

A meta-analysis of the best observational data revealed no association. Findings Current evidence suggests that taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is not correlated with an increased risk of gastric cancer. For physicians considering discontinuing PPI treatment, the authors advise the same approach as in the recent proposal by the American Gastroenterological Association: to check whether there […]

4 октября, 2023

Diabetology, a young scientist Gemelli Rome Alcmeone prize

Rome, Oct. 31. (Adnkronos Salute) — Teresa Mezza, medical director of the Fondazione Policlinico universitario Agostino Gemelli Irccs in Rome and researcher at the Catholic University, received the Alcmeone award of the Italian Society of Diabetology, during the 29th National Congress of the SID held in Rimini. The prize is awarded to researchers under 45 […]

2 октября, 2023

Taking care of those who care

Regione Emilia Romagna (Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale) Taking care of those who care The narrative in the training course at the time of Covid-19 The dossier, starting from a methodological choice, that of the narrative approach, describes the origins, methods, objectives and techniques of the training course «Taking care of those who care: laboratory […]

30 сентября, 2023

ASH 2023 – The science behind the first CAR-T-cell therapy against T-ALL

Key messages In a world-first application of CAR T cell therapy, base-edited T cells were administered for the first time to a patient with relapsed T-cell leukemia. For gene editing, a base editing approach was used to prevent the DNA damage that occurs with other gene-editing methods. A patient with relapsed T-cell leukemia was successfully […]

28 сентября, 2023

Pisa and San Giuliano, survey on the state of health of the population

Pisa, 20 Jan. — (Adnkronos Salute) — Starting next February, 200 men and women aged between 35 and 74, randomly selected among the residents of the Municipalities of Pisa and San Giuliano Terme, will receive an invitation to participate in a survey on their state of health. The people who will take part in the […]

23 сентября, 2023

The Effectiveness and Safety of Bepirovirsen for Treating Chronic Hepatitis B

Bepirovirsen is an antisense oligonucleotide that targeting all hepatitis B virus (HBV) messenger RNAs to reduce the levels of viral proteins. A phase 2b, randomized, investigator-unblinded trial was conducted involving participants with chronic HBV infection who were receiving or not receiving nucleoside or nucleotide analogue (NA) therapy. Participants were randomly assigned (in a 3:3:3:1 ratio) […]