Florence, 9 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — Over 10 million euros arrive in Tuscany, as part of the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), intended to finance research projects in health. In fact, the Public Notice issued by the Ministry of Health last April has closed and 11 projects presented by the Tuscany Region have been admitted to funding.
The projects will be implemented by companies and bodies of the regional health service in partnership with other Italian health authorities and research institutions and it will now be up to the research and investment sector of the Tuscany Region to perfect the acts necessary to start the research and implementation of the projects, stipulating, in particular, the agreements with the Ministry and the leading research bodies.
«Health – underlines the regional councilor for health Simone Bezzini – is one of the missions of the PNRR.The goal is to contribute to the improvement of the National Health System, in terms of structures, presence on the territory, effectiveness of care. In this sense, research activity is essential and Tuscany, thanks to the quality of its medical-scientific fabric, is called to make a contribution of great importance».
Of the 11 projects funded, one – led by Aou Careggi – falls into the so-called «Proof of concept» typology, demonstrating the effectiveness and feasibility of an innovative idea. The research aims to evaluate whether the introduction, in pathological anatomy laboratories, of a multisensory robotic platform can effectively support pathologists in the analysis phase, favoring a radical advance in the efficiency and quality of clinical processes for the examination of solid tumors.
There are five projects that concern the typology of rare diseases. The research activity will focus on pathologies such as Dravet syndrome (genetic epileptic encephalopathy), systemic sclerosis (SSc, scleroderma), Rett syndrome and rare kidney diseases that are also addressed with personalized medicine approaches.Some projects aim to improve existing pathology registries or develop new ones. Leading bodies are the Asl Toscana centro, the Aou Meyer, the Aou Careggi, the Aou Meyer.
The other five projects were presented on the typology «chronic non-communicable diseases» and address diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and related rheumatic inflammatory conditions; cardio-metabolic diseases in immigrants and ethnic minorities; type 2 diabetes; coronary heart disease; chronic myeloid neoplasms. Leaders are Aou Meyer, Aou Careggi, Aou Pisana and Fondazione Monasterio.
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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/pnrr-alla-toscana-oltre-10-milioni-dal-ministero-per-11-progetti-di-ricerca-in-sanita