28 сентября, 2023

Pisa and San Giuliano, survey on the state of health of the population

Pisa, 20 Jan. — (Adnkronos Salute) — Starting next February, 200 men and women aged between 35 and 74, randomly selected among the residents of the Municipalities of Pisa and San Giuliano Terme, will receive an invitation to participate in a survey on their state of health. The people who will take part in the project will be subjected, free of charge, to examinations (measurement of pressure, weight, height, blood sampling, urine analysis) and the collection of information on lifestyles through questionnaires carried out by the ASL Toscana nord ovest.

The study is coordinated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health in collaboration with hygiene and public health and health education of the north-west Tuscany ASL.It is a programme to surveillance, prevent and combat non-communicable diseases, as well as research into the causes that determine them.

The intervention aims to evaluate the distribution of risk factors of non-communicable diseases and the prevalence of some risk conditions (such as arterial hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, etc.), favoring the identification of areas in which it is necessary to implement prevention, diagnosis and assistance strategies.

The initiative is of great importance for prevention and research in areas, such as non-communicable diseases, which have an important impact on the national health system and in terms of public health. The ASL Toscana nord ovest invites the citizens who receive the letter to join in order to contribute to defeating incisive and risky diseases, with positive effects on public health and quality of life.

The survey takes place in several Italian regions.In Tuscany, the Municipalities of Pisa and San Giuliano Terme were chosen in consideration of the intense surveillance and prevention activities that are carried out on these territories.

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