Milan, November 2. (Adnkronos Salute) — «One wonders if the reinstatement of the no-vax doctors was of such urgency as to have to commit the Government to its first meeting and to be published in the Official Gazette so quickly on a public holiday. Certainly the impact on public health, contrary to what has been stated, is negligible (4 thousand doctors out of about 370 thousand members of the Orders currently in activity), while the psychological impact on the vast majority of doctors who have always done their duty with sacrifice and have been vaccinated to guarantee their own health and that of the patients entrusted to them and to guarantee the continuity of the service is extremely negative».This is the thought expressed by the leaders of the Order of Doctors of Ravenna in a note.
«Commenting on the recent measures of the Government, two premises are necessary — writes the Governing Council — We must not, as someone seems to be doing, forget the very serious health crisis that we have gone through and that, to date, in our country has caused 179 thousand victims, and also that precise scientific studies have shown that with the first variants Alfa (early 2021) and Delta (late 2021) the risk of contagion for the unvaccinated was 4-5 times greater than to the vaccinated. Second premise is that the virus has subsided and that the current epidemiological situation is certainly less serious than last year and therefore the measures of the recent past can be mitigated, even if new variants are announced that will present themselves together with the influenza virus generating a ‘twindemia'», a sort of ‘twin epidemic’.
The measures of the past can be mitigated «and so it was in fact expected in 2 months», reads the note.But the Order wonders what was the hurry to return unvaccinated health workers. «With regard to the obligation to use masks in health facilities — concludes the Order’s Board of Directors — even if the minister claimed that he had never personally hypothesized to suspend it, the first intention of the Government was for a generalized termination of the obligation also in health facilities; it was first the call of President Mattarella and some governors and then the positions taken by the medical world that obtained to maintain an obligation that should be made permanent».
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