17 сентября, 2021

New department of proctology at the Institute of Care City of Pavia

Rome, Dec. 28. (Adnkronos Salute) — The City of Pavia Care Institute will have a new proctology department, a simple operating unit that will be inaugurated in January and will be led by three highly experienced proctologist surgeons, report from the San Donato Group to which the structure belongs: Umberto Favetta (head of the service), Claudio Pagano and Roberto Picheo. Diagnostics, surgery and rehabilitation — reads a note — are the three pillars on which the activity of the new unit is based.

«We take up this new challenge with great enthusiasm, certain to offer an important service for the territory — say the three specialists — We have the necessary means, diagnostic and therapeutic, to treat all anorectal and pelvic diseases, from the simplest to the most complex, taking care of patients who, with confidence and without fear, will want to rely on us».

The start of the activity in the proctological field — underline Gsd — represents a great opportunity for patients in the Pavia area who will have access to the best technologies, the most advanced treatments and the most effective protocols for the treatment of dysfunctions in the ano-rectal and pelvic fields, sometimes disabling and strongly impacting on the daily life and quality of life of those who are affected. Benign ano-recto-colic pathologies, such as hemorrhoidal syndrome and rectal prolapse, female pelvic prolapse, fecal and urinary incontinence, anorectal and pelvic functional dyssinergic syndrome, sepsis and fistulas, pilonidal cyst — lists the note — are the main and most common non-oncological pathologies treated in the new operating unit. It is already possible to book a visit with the National Health Service by calling 0382-433611, or under solvency by contacting 0382-433649.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/nuovo-reparto-di-proctologia-allistituto-di-cura-citta-di-pavia

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