Rome, 20 Jan. (Adnkronos Health) — In a few years after being diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis, one of the most serious forms of the neurodegenerative disease, Catherine could no longer speak, swallow or walk. It is thanks to scientific research funded by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (AISM) and its Foundation (Fism), also through testamentary legacies, that Caterina has taken back her life.»Today — he says — what drives me to move forward is the search for a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis, which does not yet exist. A therapy that can give me the opportunity to walk again».
It is precisely to make public opinion understand the importance of a solidarity legacy as a support for scientific research that this year Aism, in collaboration and with the patronage of the National Council of Notaries, and with the support of the National Federation of Cisl Pensioners, from 23 to 29 January organizes the week of Aism legacies. Seven days of meetings throughout the country with notaries — reads a note — to explain and deepen what Italian law provides for inheritance law. In addition to the meetings on the territory, on February 2 at 5 pm there will also be an online information and awareness event, whose registration is already open on
In addition to informing all these initiatives about inheritance law, together with the campaign ‘The future is you’ that accompanies them, aim to increase awareness, in every citizen, on the importance of making a will and being able to decide to contribute to improving the future of many people with multiple sclerosis and their families, entrusting their commitment to a simple will through a solidarity legacy.The campaign includes a planning on print, web and digital and a 60-minute video spot broadcast on the main TV and satellite channels, and will also be broadcast on the social networks of the Aism with the hashtag #ilfuturoseitu. Throughout the campaign, the toll-free number dedicated to Aism legacies (800-094464) is available to provide all the necessary information, as well as the website where, in addition to details on the initiative, it will be possible to register for meetings with notaries and request, even online, the free guide of testamentary legacies: a tool to extricate oneself from such a complex matter, Like that of successions.
Thanks to the proceeds from solidarity bequests collected in recent years and reported with transparency within its social reports — continues the note — the AISM has been able to finance and guarantee continuity to numerous research projects, which have allowed us to provide timely and concrete answers to the real needs of patients and their families.»In the last year we have recorded an average of three successions opened every month — reports Emanuela Di Pietro, head of legacies — Thanks to awareness campaigns, more and more people are contacting us to tell us that they have included Aism and Fism in their will, with an average annual increase in the last 6 years of about 50%. The funds raised allow and will allow in the future to support the activities of assistance and scientific research promoted by the association and its Foundation».
Some examples of what can be achieved thanks to a bequest: as part of assistance, with 4,500 euros you can activate a new Aism reception desk, fundamental to give information and guidance for people living with multiple sclerosis; with 22 thousand euros you can afford the purchase of a portable cardiopulmonary diagnostic device, while with 45 thousand euros you can buy for Aism a van equipped for the transport of people with multiple sclerosis.In addition, in the field of research, with 9,500 euros you can buy electro-medical equipment for research clinics; with 26 thousand euros you can support an annual Fism research grant for a young researcher engaged in multiple sclerosis studies, while with 34 thousand euros you can provide an annual Fism research grant for a senior researcher.
At the Aism Day Center in Turin — a socio-therapeutic rehabilitation facility designed to accommodate people with multiple sclerosis and similar neurological diseases in situations of severe, medium and mild disability — also born from a testamentary bequest, Claudia, mother and wife affected by a secondary progressive multiple sclerosis that forced her into a wheelchair, felt welcomed and attends social activities and the well-being of the person. «A donation like this legacy — he underlines — is important for us people with multiple sclerosis for our social life and I ask anyone who can do it to donate to allow us to go beyond» the disease.
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