Milan, November 3. (Adnkronos Salute) — Renato Cozzi is the new president of the Association of Endocrinologists (AME), appointed to head the new AME Board of Directors and already operational after the National Congress of the Scientific Society, which took place in Rome. Cozzi, who succeeds Franco Grimaldi, will chair the association for the next 2 years.
Expert in pituitary pathology, on which he has acquired expertise at national and international level, former director of the Endocrinology Complex Structure of the Niguarda Hospital in Milan — reports a note from Ame — Cozzi, among other assignments, is now an endocrinologist consultant at the IRCCS Besta Neurological Institute in Milan.In an open letter addressed to members and colleagues, the new president reiterates the importance of putting the patient at the center and asking «at all times» if «we are always sure to do everything and only what is really needed to bring the greatest possible benefit to our patient», because «this is our mission and we must always remember it».
The objectives identified by Cozzi concern in particular the future generation of professionals, to whom it is necessary to transmit the most important values of professional practice, namely «respect for the patient; reliability, which is the ability to assume one’s responsibilities; professional skills». The new Ame board thus aims to «strengthen training and professionalism among young endocrinologists, through an ever greater involvement in the training path of the company as in the operational phase, listening to their opinion and ensuring that the AME is increasingly considered by everyone a great laboratory of attention and care, able to deal systematically with the most demanding pathologies, such as diabetes or obesity, but also those we see every day such as thyroid, which require our continuous updating, without forgetting rare diseases».
Next to Cozzi, in the new AME Board of Directors there are Grimaldi (former director of Soc Endocrinology, Metabolic Diseases and Clinical Nutrition, University Hospital Presidium ‘S.Maria della Misericordia’ Asufc — Udine); Andrea Frasoldati (director of Sc Endocrinology, Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova-Ausl Irccs of Reggio Emilia); Vincenzo De Geronimo (Head of Endocrinology Service, Morgagni Ccd Nursing Home — Catania); Anna Nelva (Medical Director Ssd Diabetology and Endocrinology, Hospital of the Sick of Biella); Vincenzo Di Donna (endocrinologist at the Fondazione Policlinico universitario Agostino Gemelli Irccs in Rome); Maurizio Poggi (medical director of the Endocrinology Unit, Sant’Andrea Hospital in Rome); Francesco Scavuzzo (medical director Aorn Cardarelli of Naples from 1988 to date currently responsible for the Endocrinology Unit), in the role of treasurer; Salvatore Monti (medical director and adjunct professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza), and the secretary of the company Roberto Negro (head and head of the Endocrinology department of the ‘V. Fazzi’ Hospital in Lecce).
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