21 февраля, 2023

Medicine, in Cagliari the regional congress Anmco

Cagliari, 15 Feb. (Adnkronos Salute) — On 24 and 25 February the Sardinian section of Anmco (National Association of Hospital Cardiologists) organized the regional congress entitled «Where the heart takes us». This year the scientific direction of the Congress is entrusted to the Regional President of Anmco, Gianfranco Delogu, head of the Cardiology department of the Nostra Signora di Bonaria hospital in San Gavino. The Congress aims to deepen the importance of innovation, with regard to the interventional sector and the pharmacological sector.Innovation that is allowing Cardiology to always be at the forefront in terms of technology and health treatments. This is the path that Cardiology in Sardinia is following, with the aim of making available to patients all the experience and skills acquired.

There are various and different topics that will be addressed by cardiologists, who intervene from all the hospitals in the region, in the two days of the Congress hosted at the T-Hotel in Cagliari: ranging from heart failure to coronary artery diseases, from arrhythmia to ischemia, from how to manage pain in cardiac patients to the strategies to be implemented to prevent these diseases, from new drugs to innovative techniques for interventions and treatments. Among the speakers, for the hospital of San Gavino, will also intervene M. Valeria Demontis, Fabio Orrù and Roberto Floris. Also the linguistic service of the ASL Medio Campidano «Coru Sardu» will have a space within the two days, to make the project known and to report on the benefits that the use of the mother tongue brings in the relationship between health personnel, patients and families.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/medicina-a-cagliari-il-congresso-regionale-anmco

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