28 июля, 2022

Marina Militare asks for medical availability to health companies

Rome, 13 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — The Italian Navy has published the request for availability to the local socio-health authorities of Sardinia of medical managers, with a degree in Medicine and Surgery and in possession of the qualification to practice the medical profession, to carry out the task of «Competent Doctor».

The assignment will be carried out in Tavolara and Santo Stefano for at least 4 hours per month for a period of three years, in favor of the staff of the SDI Company, which carries out its duties in those territories.The doctor, on the occasion of the inspections, will have available boats that can be used respectively from Loiri Porto San Paolo in the direction of the island of Tavolara and from La Maddalena in the direction of Santo Stefano island; moreover, he will have a workstation at an office set up by the Administration in the Mariscuola La Maddalena area, or at the infrastructural headquarters of the Command of the SDI Sardinia Company.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/marina-militare-chiede-disponibilita-medici-ad-aziende-sanitarie

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