Rome, 17 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — 2022 was a record year for the San Camillo Forlanini/Inmi Spallanzani Intercompany Transplant Hospital (Poit) in Rome. Between January and December, in fact, 66 liver transplants were performed, with a growing trend compared to previous years. A result never achieved in Lazio, which places the center as the most important point of reference for patients with liver disease in the Center-South.
Until 2020, the average number of liver transplants carried out by Poit traveled below 35 interventions, and then doubled in 2021 (61 cases), making a further leap forward in the .In 2023 we will aim to improve even more with several new projects on the horizon: still-heart donors, living donor donation, new oncological indications. «The Poit is a great organizational machine able to deal with increasingly complex cases — declares the general director of San Camillo Forlanini, Narciso Mostarda — but we must never forget that the transplant originates from an act of generosity, on the part of the deceased person or his family. If the opposition to organ donation decreases over time, it is also thanks to the 24-hour work of the medical and nursing staff of the center, which, with dedication and professionalism, has allowed us to obtain these results»
«The great performance of the transplant center testifies to the ability of Lazio healthcare to be of great quality and attractiveness — adds Francesco Vaia, Director General of Inmi Lazzaro Spallanzani — Despite the pandemic we have been able to carry out a delicate and strategic mission at the service of the person.And thanks to the work in close synergy we have made available to operators the tools and staff to allow them to do their best. Citizens know that they can turn to us with confidence.»
As for the numbers, reports a message, «about 40% of transplant patients come from outside the region, in particular from Basilicata which has entered into an agreement with the Lazio Region, but also from Calabria, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, with a well-coded and rapid care path in the implementation times for the patient candidate for liver transplantation. About 40% of transplant patients are affected by liver cancer (hepatocarcinoma): numbers that underline the great experience of the center in the multidisciplinary management of hepato-oncological patients».
In this sense the Poit was pioneering. «The first intervention of this type in Italy was carried out by Poit in the summer of 2019 — underlines Giuseppe Maria Ettore, director of the center — on a young woman who, following breast cancer, had developed liver metastases, successfully treated through chemotherapy and radioembolization, which however had developed a serious liver failure that made transplantation necessary.Today that woman is in perfect health, this makes us look to the future with optimism».
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