7 мая, 2020

Interventions in place for the management of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in the winter season 2022-2023

Ministry of Health

Circular no. 51786 of

Interventions in progress for the management of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in the winter season 2022-2023

The European Commission, in the Communication of 1, recommends the transition from emergency management to sustainable management. With the end of the national health emergency defined by Legislative Decree no. 242, to ensure continuity in the management of supplies and in the vaccination campaign, the Unit for the completion of the vaccination campaign (U.c.c.v.) and for the adoption of other measures to combat the pandemic was established.The Unit operates until to ensure the coordination of measures to contain and combat the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency in relation to the activities related to the vaccination plan, the Covid-19 vaccines report (updated periodically with data relating to vaccines and administrations carried out), the purchase and distribution on the territory of Covid-19 vaccines and drugs (antiviral and monoclonal), the purchase and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and equipment and the strengthening of the hospital network

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/interventi-in-atto-per-la-gestione-della-circolazione-del-sars-cov-2-nella-stagione-invernale-2022-2023

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