22 октября, 2021

Epigenetics of violence against women

Epigenetics of violence against women

EpiWE study

Summaries of the 08 conference-

Violence against women is a significant health and social problem whose consequences can lead to greater physical morbidity and mortality. This shadow pandemic crosses all social classes and different ethnicities and represents one of the most significant factors that negatively affect women’s health globally.Early detection, appropriate interventions and multidisciplinary cooperation are crucial factors in ending gender-based violence. Nowadays, most epidemiological studies on gender-based violence are focused on short-term effects, while long-term effects are neglected or marginally included. Through the presentation of key concepts, methodological tools and field research, this conference aims to improve and strengthen complementary actions for the implementation of innovative strategies to address the negative consequences of gender-based violence also in the long term

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/epigenetica-della-violenza-sulla-donna

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