11 мая, 2023

E-prescription: KVWL also stops roll-out

Dortmund (pag) – The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Westphalia-Lippe (KVWL) is withdrawing from the roll-out of the e-prescription. The reason is the veto of the Federal Data Protection Commissioner Prof. Ulrich Kelber against the in his opinion insecure redemption by the electronic health card (eGK).

This means that both KVs have jumped off from the model regions of Westphalia-Lippe and Schleswig-Holstein. The panel physician representation from the far north withdrew even before the official roll-out start.

«The rejection of the eGK path issued by the Federal Data Protection Officer means a blatant additional delay until mid-2023,» explains KVWL board member Thomas Müller.»This is because additional technical adjustments are now required in the pharmacy management systems and in the connectors for connecting to the telematics infrastructure.» According to the KVWL, around 250 practices in Westphalia-Lippe have been participating in the roll-out since September, and the group of participants should be successively expanded.

But now the KVWL cancels the project. gematik’s target of 25 percent of e-prescriptions must be redeemed electronically cannot be achieved. Due to Kelber’s veto, almost exclusively paper-based e-prescriptions would have to be issued until the middle of next year – an imposition for the KVWL. Müller describes the decision of the Federal Data Protection Commissioner as a «declaration of bankruptcy for digitization in the healthcare sector in general and in outpatient care in particular».

gematik regrets this decision. However, she wants to stick to the nationwide introduction of the e-prescription in 2023. However, the redemption route via the eGK will only be accelerated from the middle of next year.To this end, gematik is in «close contact» with the shareholders, Kelber’s authority and the Federal Office for Information Security. «The expression of e-prescriptions should be the clear exception in the future,» emphasizes gematik. Meanwhile, Kelber speaks up via Twitter: His authority only rejects an unsecured eGK path and «proposes a functionally safe variant».

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Source — https://www.univadis.de/viewarticle/e-rezept-auch-kvwl-stoppt-roll-out

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