Piombino (Livorno), 5 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — Diabetology strengthens the offer to the citizens of the Val di Cornia thanks to the increase in the days of activity of the service and the opening of new clinics for Doppler ultrasound and diabetic foot care.
«Starting from 9 January – explains Graziano Di Cianni, coordinator of the Diabetological Area from the North-West Tuscany Local Health Unit and national president of the Association of Diabetologists (AMD) – the Villamarina diabetes clinic will increase opening hours and services available to over 5 thousand diabetic citizens residing in Val di Cornia thanks to the choice of the company management to strengthen the staff available.In particular, the new organization provides for the increase in the days of activity of the clinic that goes from three days to five days a week, the opening of new clinics for Doppler ultrasound with places dedicated to diabetic patients and the specific one for the treatment of diabetic foot. In addition, the presence of two doctors, thanks to the welcome return of Dr. Valerio Gherardini in diabetology, will allow to increase the offer, with a consequent reduction in waiting lists, for the first diabetological visits including the study of complications (retinography, ECG, Doppler ultrasound, lower limb screening), priority visits and certification of the license «.
«These are important results – continues Di Cianni – the result of the efforts made at company and regional level for the reorganization and strengthening of the diabetes network. From Fivizzano to the Island of Elba there are, already today, over 90 thousand people suffering from diabetes, which, maintaining the current pace of growth, in the next ten years will exceed the record quota of 100 thousand.To overcome this spread, which affects indistinctly and often without symptoms, the elderly, but also young people and even children, it is essential to undertake an all-out fight on the side of prevention and treatment of diabetes. For some time we have maintained that the approach to this problem is necessarily multidisciplinary with shared clinics between specialists such as gynecologists, cardiologists, ophthalmologists, pediatricians and with the irreplaceable support of nurses, midwives, dieticians and many other figures. Compared to just 10 years ago, the tools available against diabetes have really changed, I am thinking, for example, of new technologies such as pumps that allow our patients to maintain high standards of living. The effort that will characterize the next years of the fight against diabetes will be that of proximity, quality and sustainability of care responses».
«The activation of new services and the strengthening of existing ones – says the general manager of the North-West Tuscany Local Health Authority, Maria Letizia Casani – confirms the willingness expressed several times by the management to invest in the Val di Cornia.Each area is a fundamental junction of the care network designed for the health needs of the city and deserves our attention as well as an adequate commitment of economic and professional resources. But the real thanks goes to our professionals who, by making their skills available, constitute the true strength of the Company and of the health system in general».
For any need for clarification, patients and general practitioners can contact the department at 0565-67289 or by writing an email to: [email protected].
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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/diabetologia-piombino-in-arrivo-nuovi-servizi-e-il-potenziamento-dellambulatorio