30 марта, 2022

Colorectal cancer, an appeal for prevention from the Campus Bio-Medico

(Adnkronos Salute) — In Italy, colorectal cancers represent the second most common neoplasm in women and the third in men. According to the Aiom report «The numbers of cancer in Italy», 48,100 new cases (26,000 in men and 22,100 in women) are estimated in 2022, up from 1.5% and 1.6% respectively compared to 2020. Only 30% of Italians undergo regional screening for the search for occult blood in the stool, an examination that falls within the Essential Levels of Assistance (LEA): as many as 70% of the population renounces its own right, know in time a possible positivity and allow prompt intervention.

«In the month dedicated internationally to raising awareness of colorectal cancer — says Marco Caricato, director of the Colorectal Surgery Unit of the Campus Bio-Medico University Polyclinic Foundation in Rome — we want to make a strong contribution to prevention and reassure the population, because only in 2.5% of patients positive for the faecal occult blood test, colorectal cancer occurs in an advanced stage and, If diagnosed early, it can be defeated.»

Colorectal cancer, in fact, is often the result of the evolution of benign lesions (adenomatous polyps) of the intestinal mucosa, which in 80% of cases take from 7 to 15 years to turn into malignant forms. A sufficiently long time to be able to prevent the neoplasm, intervening with a simple endoscopic removal of the adenoma. To facilitate timely diagnosis, since 2019 an «open» clinic for colorectal cancer has been active at the Campus Bio-Medico Polyclinic, accessible every Wednesday (excluding holidays) from 10.10 to 11.30 without reservation. It is sufficient a referral from the general practitioner bearing the words «urgent visit for suspected colorectal cancer» with priority U or B or with a recent positive report for the search for occult blood in the stool.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/tumore-del-colon-retto-dal-campus-bio-medico-un-appello-per-la-prevenzione

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