17 июня, 2022

Children’s obesity and lifestyles

Obesity and lifestyles of children

Okkio alla Salute 2019

In 2019, the sixth data collection of the OKkio alla SALUTE surveillance system was conducted in Italy, part of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization. All the Italian regions participated with representative samples at regional level and, in some cases, of ASL (Local Health Authority).In total, 2,735 third grade primary school classes, 53,275 children and 50,370 parents were involved. 20.4% of children aged 8-9 years were overweight and 9% obese (IOTF cut-off), with higher percentages in the Southern and Central Regions and with a tendency to decrease over the years. On the day of the survey, 9.4% of the children had skipped breakfast and 55% had had a snack with high caloric density; 24% did not consume fruit and/or vegetables daily; 44% spent more than 2 hours a day watching TV and/or playing video games/tablets/mobile phones

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/obesita-e-stili-di-vita-dei-bambini

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