4 июня, 2020

Tuscany, presentation of regional reform projects in Pistoia

Pistoia, 7 Feb. — (Adnkronos Salute) — Tomorrow, Wednesday 8 February, starting at 9.00 am, in the Cinzia Lupi room of the San Jacopo hospital in via Ciliegiole 97 in Pistoia, there will be the presentation of regional reform projects: continuity of care, emergency urgency and reorganization of integrated networks starting from the experiences in […]

22 мая, 2020

Drugs, Aifa: no urgent safety issues on pseudofedrine

Rome, 10 Feb. (Adnkronos Health) — In relation to the European review procedure for pseudoephedrine-based medicines, initiated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) specifies that «currently the benefit-risk ratio of these medicines remains positive and there are no urgent safety issues that imply immediate restrictive actions on the use of […]

13 апреля, 2020

It is said in Villa — Ciak! Voting

Few others times an election has closely affected doctors, and more generally health workers, such as the one to be held next Sunday and Monday, 12 and 13 February, in Lombardy and Lazio. The evidence of the pandemic has in fact mercilessly uncovered all the multiple points of vulnerability of the system: the lack of […]

10 апреля, 2020

First orgasm, then cough, runny nose and a rash

Key messages Cough, runny nose and a rash are usually unpleasant; in rare cases, they can also be embarrassing. Because cold viruses or an allergy to grass Co. are not always the causative «villains», as the medical history of a 27-year-old patient shows, which the US urologist Dr. Andrew Shanholtzer and his colleagues from the […]

3 декабря, 2019

15 recommendations for respiratory management in neuromuscular diseases

Patients suffering from neuromuscular diseases (NMD) often present with breathing difficulties: respiratory failure and the inability to mobilize secretions are frequently the cause of death. To help physicians manage the respiratory of these patients, the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) has released guidelines based on the best available evidence. The recommendations cover various aspects, […]

24 ноября, 2019

Ethics Council comments on the challenges of artificial intelligence

Core messages The German Ethics Council has published a statement in which it comprehensively examines and evaluates the effects of digital technologies on human self-understanding and coexistence. «The use of AI must expand human development, not diminish it. AI must not replace humans. These are basic rules for ethical evaluation,» says Professor Alena Buyx, Chairwoman […]

15 ноября, 2019

It is said in Villa — Prevention is not a points card

Luckily It is not yet a bill, nor is it a measure about to start. The «points health card», which provides incentives such as ski passes and free entrances to the spa for those who accumulate virtuous behaviors in terms of prevention, is still only the boutade  of Lombardy’s Councillor for Welfare, Guido Bertolaso, thrown […]

16 октября, 2019

Modern therapies in hematology and oncology for a wider range of patients

The At its January 2023 meeting, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) adopted two-_ Extensions recommended in oncology:  Darolutamide (Nubeqa, Bayer): In the future, the antiandrogen will also be indicated for the treatment of metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) in combination with docetaxel and androgen deprivation […]