16 октября, 2021

People with HIV live fewer years in good health than non-infected people

Key messages In countries with well-structured and well-funded health systems, the life expectancy of people living with HIV has almost converged with that of the general population. However, differences in lifetime in good health remain: already in the early 50s  People with HIV have twice as many comorbidities as non-infected people and these differences persist […]

26 августа, 2021

Medical Order: ‘Against inequalities focus on national networks’

Rome, 27 Oct. (Adnkronos Health) — To beat health inequality, one of the tools to be adopted is «to focus on national, supra-regional, assistance networks that allow professionals to be available in all areas of the country. And thus reduce the mobility of citizens who are forced to move because centres of excellence are not […]

6 июля, 2021

‘Take care of yourself’, an all-female project in Prato

Prato, 24 Mar. — (Adnkronos) — The project «Cura, ut valeas — Prenditi cura di te», proposed by Fondazione Sandro Pitigliani, Associazione Aurora Donna, Asl Toscana Centro, together with the professionals in aesthetics of Confartigianato Imprese Prato and the tutors of Cna Toscana Centro, was presented in the harpsichord room of the Santo Stefano hospital […]

27 июня, 2021

Sexually transmitted infections have increased worldwide

According to Data from World Health Organization (WHO) of 2021, it is estimated that every year about 374 million people contract one of the following diseases: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomonas infection. In addition, more than 500 million people are carriers of Herpes Simplex viris (HSV) in a population aged 15 to 49 years.As Cristina […]

27 июня, 2021

Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding: initial assessment criteria

The acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding (SGIA) is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization, both in Europe and the United States (1). The incidence of SGIA is approximately 20-30 cases per 100,000 person-years and accounts for 20% of gastrointestinal bleeding. It is an event that requires hospitalization in almost all cases and has a […]

10 июня, 2021

Visceral fat and response to therapy, there is no relationship in rectal cancer

Patients Obese and overweight with locally advanced rectal cancer are as likely to respond to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) as normal weight patients. To say it is a study by the University of Padua that found no association between body mass index (BMI) or body fat composition and survival. However, excess weight affects the complications of […]

2 июня, 2021

Erythritol, a bitter reality for a widespread sweetener

Erythritol, A sweetener widely used as an alternative to common sugar, it would not be entirely safe for health. According to the results of a study published in Nature Medicine, erythritol is associated with the risk of adverse cardiovascular events independently of traditional risk factors.Not only that: a high plasma level seems to favor the […]

20 мая, 2021

La medicina e la politica

La pandemia lo ha mostrato in maniera esplicita: la salute non è solo fatta di medicina personalizzata, ma anche, e tanto, di salute pubblica. E per le scelte di salute pubblica il ruolo della politica è fondamentale. Non solo in termini di quantità di denaro investito, ma anche e soprattutto nel modo in cui questi […]