19 декабря, 2023

Ambivalent sexism: what is it and how does it work?

Sexism It can take different forms, some of which are masked by attitudes of protection and flattery. However, different forms of sexism have negative effects on the way women are perceived and treated by others and on themselves. Reflections and research on ambivalent sexism – which includes both overtly negative attitudes (hostile sexism) and attitudes […]

4 декабря, 2023

RKI: Dengue fever among German travellers returning from Ibiza

Core messages On the Balearic island of Ibiza, a cluster of apparently autochthonous denguevirus transmissions occurred between August and October 2022. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) with reference to Spanish authorities in its current Epidemiological Bulletin announces, the virus was introduced in the summer of last year by a Spaniard who is believed to […]

17 ноября, 2023

Bladder carcinoma: nutritional status predicts postoperative results

Erkenntnis In patients with clinically localized  Bladder carcinoma is a poor nutritional status according to Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score independently associated with poorer postoperative morbidity and mortality.  Why this matters CONUT is simple and cost-effective and can contribute to stratification and treatment decisions through preoperative patient evaluation. Study design Study of 347 patients with […]

4 октября, 2023

Diabetology, a young scientist Gemelli Rome Alcmeone prize

Rome, Oct. 31. (Adnkronos Salute) — Teresa Mezza, medical director of the Fondazione Policlinico universitario Agostino Gemelli Irccs in Rome and researcher at the Catholic University, received the Alcmeone award of the Italian Society of Diabetology, during the 29th National Congress of the SID held in Rimini. The prize is awarded to researchers under 45 […]

6 августа, 2023

Healthcare, in Teramo 5 surgeons from Arabia and the Emirates in class in the operating room

Teramo, 3 Mar.  (Adnkronos Health) — Five surgeons from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates today  «in class» in the operating room at the hospital of Sant’Omero. Foreign doctors arrived at the «Val Vibrata» to attend the SphinKeeper surgery carried out for fecal incontinence  and the improvement of the surgical technique.  This technique allows to effectively […]

26 мая, 2023

Asl Oristano, approved by the Regional Council new organizational structure

Oristano, 1 Feb. (Adnkronos Salute) — The Regional Council of Sardinia has approved the corporate act of the Local Social and Health Authority of Oristano, a document that draws its architecture and organizational structure and outlines its development guidelines. «The company act proposed by the ASL 5 has been substantially implemented in full by the […]

8 мая, 2023

Come evitare il trattamento chirurgico nel tumore vescicale non muscolo invasivo recidivante

Secondo i risultati dello studio DaBlaCa-13 pubblicato su Journal of Clinical Oncology, la chemioresezione intensiva, non chirurgica, a breve termine con mitomicina consente ai pazienti affetti da tumore vescicale non muscolo invasivo recidivante di evitare il trattamento chirurgico senza influenzare gli esiti a lungo termine. I ricercatori propongono l’adozione della chemioresezione primaria come strategia terapeutica […]

22 апреля, 2023

Endometrial cancer: updated guidelines on radiotherapy

Knowledge The American Society for Radiation Oncology has updated its guidelines for the use of adjuvant therapy in the treatment of patients with endometrial cancer. Key recommendations Adjuvant radiotherapy Adjuvant radiotherapy is not recommended in patients with stage IA International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage 1 or 2 endometrioid cancer without intermediate or […]

27 марта, 2023

A patient with bronchial carcinoma and pronounced leukocytosis

Key messages In cancer patients with severe leukocytosis, iatrogenic factors such as steroid treatment and growth factors must be considered as causes. If these possible causes are excluded, a paraneoplastic genesis should also be considered, as the medical history of a 72-year-old man shows, about which Dr. Josef Heusinger and his colleagues from the Schwarzwald-Baar-Klinikum […]