1 июня, 2024

Elderly cirrhosis patients: In search of the cause of dementia

Dementia symptoms often occur along with hepatic encephalopathy (HE) in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, a recent study shows. «As patients with cirrhosis age, we encounter numerous individuals who may be susceptible to both diseases,» said lead author Dr. Jasmohan Bajaj, a professor of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center […]

17 мая, 2024

Melanoma or advanced NSCLC: immune checkpoint inhibitors for octogenarians?

Conclusions A retrospective cohort indicates that patients aged ≥80 years have reasonably good survival and safety outcomes with immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) inhibitors for melanoma or non-small cell lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC) in advanced stages, but 18.5% discontinue treatment due to grade 3–4 toxicity. Why it matters The first real-world study on the […]

14 мая, 2024

An email for an extra vaccination

Key messages A randomized trial shows that sending emails to recommend the flu vaccine increases the vaccination rate among recipients. Not all messages work: those who have received a reminder or a message emphasizing the benefits for cardiovascular health have been encouraged to undergo vaccination. The increase in vaccination rate is modest, but requiring minimal […]

22 апреля, 2024

Sepsis-induced hypotension: is one strategy worth the other?

In people with sepsis-induced hypotension, restrictive fluid management did not change all-cause mortality by day 90. A study conducted at 60 U.S. centers compared two strategies for the management in the first 24 hours of sepsis-induced hypotension in patients already treated with fluids.Compared to liberal fluid management, a restrictive strategy (favoring the use of vasopressor […]

19 марта, 2024

European salt restriction policy still lags behind

The Euroregion has made great progress in implementing the guidelines to reduce sodium intake in the population. However, according to a new report of the World Health Organization (WHO) only 3  Member States – Czech Republic, Lithuania and Spain – fully implemented the recommendations. Worldwide, 194-_ Member States to reduce total population intake by almost a third by […]

15 февраля, 2024

Health, Schillaci: ‘Recover waiting lists and make SSN fairer’

Rome, 27 Oct. (Adnkronos Salute) — «What I am concerned about is that all the patients who have been left behind in recent years, I think of prevention, screening and cancer patients can finally have a better, fairer health care that does not depend on economic availability, from where one was born or where he […]

28 января, 2024

Higher risk of dementia in women: an attempt at explanation

Previous research has found that women have a higher lifetime risk of dementia than men; one explanation given was that women tend to live longer than men. However, a new analysis of data from nearly 30,000 people from 18 countries has found almost no evidence of sex differences in most known risk factors for dementia, […]

24 января, 2024

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Fad or Fact?

For Encéphale Congress In 2023, a session was dedicated to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This is a condition that exerts some fascination and has been depicted in countless movies and television shows. While it may be the key to success at the box office and ratings, DID remains a controversial issue within the mental health community.In fact, […]

4 января, 2024

ISTAT data, health expenditure borne by families without controls on appropriateness is growing

Spending private for social security and health care continues to grow, and with it social inequalities increase: the worrying figure was confirmed during the recent hearings by the Senate Social Affairs Committee of some ISTAT experts.  Cristina Freguja, of the Central Directorate for Social Statistics and Welfare of the Institute of Statistics, points out that […]

26 декабря, 2023

Aiop Lombardia, ‘strengthening public-private subsidiarity’

Milan, 15 Feb. (Adnkronos Health) — «The subsidiarity between public and private accredited, confirmed by the recent reform of the regional social-health system with the provision of the equivalence of providers, must be further strengthened with the aim of responding to the needs of patients». This was stated by Dario Beretta, president of the Italian […]