27 апреля, 2022

Trends in global cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide; High blood pressure, high cholesterol, dietary hazards and air pollution are the leading causes of cardiovascular disease worldwide Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death worldwide, according to a new special issue of Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC). The issue analyzes […]

2 апреля, 2022

Asthma, a misunderstood disease?

Patients With asthma diagnoses they tend to downplay their condition and misuse oral corticosteroids. To bring out this not very comforting picture is the analysis of a survey on how patients interpret the diagnosis they have received and on what behaviors they adopt in everyday life. The results obtained suggest that there is a problem […]

24 марта, 2022

Increasing maternal mortality in the U.S. during the pandemic

A new study shows that maternal mortality in the U.S. increased faster in 2021 than in 2020 and nearly doubled from pre-pandemic rates in 2019. American Indians/Alaska Natives endured the largest increase in pregnancy-related deaths. Boston University School of Public Health Following the emergence of the highly contagious Delta and Omicron COVID-19 variants, pregnancy-related death […]

21 февраля, 2022

Poverty and survival of breast cancer in France

Insight French women living in the country’s most disadvantaged areas have a 25% worse breast cancer survival rate than those living in the least deprived areas. The 5-year survival rate was 88.2% in the poorest areas compared to 92.5% in the least disadvantaged areas, a difference of 4.3 percentage points. The differences were greatest in […]

6 февраля, 2022

Bologna, recovers sight with artificial corneal transplant, first in Italy

Rome, Dec. 14. (Adnkronos Health) — From zero to 6 tenths with a half-hour operation: a 76-year-old patient returns to see after 5 years of blindness. It is the result of the first transplant in Italy, the hundredth in the world, made with an endothelial prosthesis in polymeric material that works as an endothelium of […]

25 декабря, 2021

Mini-meta-analysis compares electroconvulsive therapy with ketamine for depression

Key messages With a meta-analysis of 5 randomized trials with a total of less than 300 participants, researchers have found that electroconvulsive therapy tends to be more effective at combating major depression, and also achieves higher response rates and more remissions than ketamine. Background Both the narcotic ketamine and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are among the […]

24 декабря, 2021

Quantum networks show swarm intelligence

Birds and fish do.Also bees, ants and termites. They form swarms and take advantage of the fact that they are stronger, smarter and faster in the group. But can such swarm intelligence also be transferred to quantum networks? A team led by Tanjung Krisnanda from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore asked itself this question and […]

11 декабря, 2021

Child mortality due to genetic causes apparently underestimated

A unicentric study with the genetic material of 112 children who died before the end of the first year of life found that the most common detectable cause of death was single-locus gene disease. In 30% of cases, there would have been therapies that would have had a positive effect on the course of the […]

1 ноября, 2021

Guidelines for the management of cancer-related hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia of malignancy (HCM) is the most common metabolic complication observed in cancer patients and is associated with a high degree of morbidity and mortality. It is estimated to affect 2% to 30% of patients and is observed more frequently in patients with breast, lung and kidney cancer, as well as multiple myeloma. The Endocrine […]

22 октября, 2021

Epigenetics of violence against women

Epigenetics of violence against women EpiWE study Summaries of the 08 conference- Violence against women is a significant health and social problem whose consequences can lead to greater physical morbidity and mortality. This shadow pandemic crosses all social classes and different ethnicities and represents one of the most significant factors that negatively affect women’s health […]