23 августа, 2022

Alteration of a neurodevelopmental mechanism could be associated with depression and anxiety

Recent studies suggest that certain aspects of depression, anxiety, and vulnerability to stress may result from exposure to harmful environmental conditions or early adverse experiences capable of disturbing different neurotransmission systems during the childhood of individuals.Now, a study by a CONICET research group managed to describe in a mouse model a biological mechanism whose alteration […]

8 августа, 2022

Abruzzo, new management digitized vaccines and cancer screening

Pescara 1 Feb. (Adnkronos Health) — Improve the flow of information regarding the regional vaccination registry and cancer screening, so as to have coherent, timely and above all extracted data with a unified procedure by all the ASL of the Region. This is the main objective of the measure approved by the Regional Council, on […]

5 августа, 2022

Case report — A young man, rejected love and a fracture of the tibia

Key messages A «wrong» word can have unpleasant consequences. Many people have experienced this, including a young man in love. The story of love and suffering of this twenty-six year old was recently told by Peter Krapf, an orthopedic surgeon from Trier, Germany. The patient and his story The young man met «the love of […]

1 августа, 2022

Are Italians ready to eat insects?

A regulation proposed by the European Commission and approved by the member states, authorizes the placing on the market of flour larvae starting from . The larvae of the flour are thus added to the crickets, locusts and yellow larvae of the meal, already authorized for consumption in Europe. However, it remains to be seen […]

28 июля, 2022

Marina Militare asks for medical availability to health companies

Rome, 13 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — The Italian Navy has published the request for availability to the local socio-health authorities of Sardinia of medical managers, with a degree in Medicine and Surgery and in possession of the qualification to practice the medical profession, to carry out the task of «Competent Doctor». The assignment will be […]

18 июля, 2022

It is said in Villa — Legalization of cannabis: the data are not favorable

Today I would like Start this column with a bet. I imagine that most readers have not even heard these days of a position on the legalization of cannabis, expressed by a major advisory body of the United Nations. And I would also bet that, if the agency’s conclusions had been the opposite, the news […]

17 июня, 2022

Children’s obesity and lifestyles

Obesity and lifestyles of children Okkio alla Salute 2019 In 2019, the sixth data collection of the OKkio alla SALUTE surveillance system was conducted in Italy, part of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization. All the Italian regions participated with representative samples at regional […]

6 июня, 2022

Rectal Examination Questioned in Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

A common method for detecting prostate cancer may not be accurate enough as a reliable screening tool on its own, scientists warn. Digital rectal examination (DRE) is widely used by medical professionals to check the prostate with a finger for swelling or unusual lumps in the rectum as an initial screening for signs of prostate […]

9 мая, 2022

Trichotillomania and skin abrasion disorder

Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of memantine in trichotillomania and skin scratching disorder Abstract Objective: Trichotillomania and skin pinching disorder are poorly recognized conditions and often Disabling in which people repeatedly pull their hair or pinch their skin, leading to noticeable hair loss or tissue damage.To date, there is a severe shortage of evidence-based treatments for these […]

6 мая, 2022

Why is eye contact rare among people with autism?

Abstract Reluctance to make eye contact during natural interactions is a central diagnostic criterion for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, the underlying neural correlates for eye contacts in ASD are unknown, and diagnostic biomarkers are active areas of research. Here, neuroimaging, eye tracking, and pupillometry data were acquired simultaneously using two-person functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) […]