4 сентября, 2023

Case report — A 37-year-old man with mucosal bleeding and high fever

Key messages Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is often a diagnostic challenge. Rarer manifestations of tuberculosis should be considered especially in case of persistent fever and in the presence of patients from high-incidence countries. Rapid diagnosis and timely treatment are decisive elements for the prognosis of patients. This is underlined by pulmonologist Arne Lüers of the Asklepios Klinikum […]

12 августа, 2023

SARS-CoV-2: Infection protects against severe illness for almost a year

Anyone who has survived an infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is usually well protected from a serious illness with hospitalization or death after 40 weeks. This applies to all virus strains, but the probability of new infection with the variant Omikron BA.1 is significantly higher than with the older virus types, according to the result […]

30 июля, 2023

Insects: Bird-sized ant puzzles researchers

The largest known ant species on earth comes from Germany – at least it was found here in 2003 in the Hessian pit Messel as a fossil: The queens of the Titanomyrma gigantea became more than six centimeters long and reached wingspans of about 15  Centimeters. A similarly large relationship was discovered by paleontologists in Wyoming […]

3 июня, 2023

Arezzo, the ASL lays the foundations for the hospital of the future

Arezzo, 13 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — «The city of Arezzo deserves a new hospital» and the ASL Toscana Sud Est intends to put in place all the forces and all the channels to carry out what was deliberated or the Masterplan «with all the works that we want to carry out in the coming years […]

3 июня, 2023

Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors: From Erectile Dysfunction to Alzheimer’s?

According to i According to the results of a study published in Neurology, the use of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5i) inhibitors in men with erectile dysfunction is associated with a reduced risk of developing incident Alzheimer’s disease. «According to estimates, 57 million people in the world suffer from dementia and the forecasts for 2050 bring this […]

6 мая, 2023

Coronary heart disease: target strategy of lipid lowering is not inferior to fixed dose

Core messages In patients with chronic coronary artery disease and elevated lipid levels, statin therapy according to the «treat-to-target» strategy is as effective as a fixed-dose strategy of high-dose statins. This is the result of a large randomized study from South Korea, which has been published in the journal JAMA ( ).The two strategies are […]

28 апреля, 2023

Ozone pollution and cardiovascular events

The first evidence that exceeding the World Health Organization (WHO) ozone limit is associated with substantial increases in hospital admissions for heart attack, heart failure and stroke is published today in European Heart Journal, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).Even ozone levels below the WHO maximum were linked to worsening health. «During […]

25 апреля, 2023

Racism, xenophobia and discrimination are public health priorities

Il Racism, xenophobia and discrimination have a fundamental influence on health globally, but have so far been overlooked by researchers, policymakers and health professionals, suggests a series of four papers published on December 8 at The Lancet.The study authors urge health professionals to consider these issues as public health priorities. Racism, xenophobia and discrimination are […]

16 апреля, 2023

It’s health, not age, that drives pregnancy complications.

Health, not age, drives increased pregnancy complications Mothers are getting older, but that’s not why pregnancies are riskier The increased rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as hypertensive disorders, preterm birth, and low birth weight, over the past 10 years is largely attributed to a person’s health status of a person before becoming pregnant, rather […]

20 февраля, 2023

Pneumonia-related hospitalization: risk of cognitive impairment and dementia increased

Findings People previously hospitalized for pneumonia have a um _-53 % higher incidence of cognitive impairment and dementia than the general population, a population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom found. The effect was observed in all age groups, not only in the elderly. The highest risk was within 1  year after hospitalization. Why this matters […]