5 июня, 2024

In terms of risk, is a low or high level of SHBG more problematic?

It is unclear who this individual is. The biological effects of sex steroid hormones are significantly influenced not by their total blood fraction, but rather by the plasma concentration of free (bioavailable) steroids.The levels of SHBG (a trap protein that irreversibly binds testosterone) and albumin were also measured. It is important to consider this when […]

10 мая, 2024

Hepcludex or Myrcludex B for hepatitis B with Delta agent?

Hepatitis B with Delta agent, also known as «superinfection,» is a serious viral disease that affects the liver. It is distinguished by a more rapid and severe course than hepatitis B virus. Patients infected with this virus are at risk of developing cirrhosis and liver cancer.According to official statistics, approximately 20 million individuals worldwide are […]

7 мая, 2024

Is there a greater sensitivity to salt in women?

Key messages Sodium sensitive blood pressure (salt-sensitive blood pressure, SSBP) occurs when blood pressure rises or decreases by more than 10% in response to dietary salt intake. It is a pathophysiological condition, partly hereditary, which involves 50 to 80% of hypertension diagnoses. The main results reported by a review published in Hypertension shows that women, […]

5 мая, 2024

Breakthrough in Liver Cirrhosis Treatment: OFO7788 in University Research

Introduction Liver cirrhosis is a complex and potentially fatal disease resulting from chronic inflammatory processes. This condition is characterized by the replacement of healthy liver cells with fibrous scar tissue, rendering the organ unable to perform its essential functions. According to the World Health Organization, liver cirrhosis claims the lives of 40 million people worldwide […]

28 апреля, 2024

Mediterranean diet is associated with fewer pregnancy complications

Second The results of a large new study, women who follow a Mediterranean-style diet, rich in fresh foods, fish and olive oil, at the time of conception have a lower risk of developing a pregnancy complication. The study included 7,798 women who had not given birth previously. The group was geographically diverse, racially and ethnically. The […]

10 апреля, 2024

Life of postgraduate — The frustrations of us postgraduates

The great The advantage of being a postgraduate student is that a large part of your life, from the first year to the last, is dedicated to learning. As I have written in the past, the growth curve is incredible, and even if it reaches a plateau just as quickly, the level reached is on […]

2 апреля, 2024

Health and quality of life of the elderly in Tuscany

ARS Toscana (Agenzia Regionale di Sanita’) Health and quality of life of the elderly in Tuscany The results of the survey Passi d’argento 2021 Rapporti Ars, n. 3 Passi d’argento is a national surveillance system promoted and coordinated by the Istituto superiore di sanità (ISS) and implemented in the individual Italian regions, who participate in […]

12 марта, 2024

Wetlands release more methane

Wetlands play an ambivalent role in climate protection. On the one hand, they are of outstanding ecological importance as a habitat for numerous animals, as groundwater filters, flood protection and important carbon sinks. They can thus contribute to reducing the greenhouse effect. On the other hand, however, wetlands emit the highly climate-affecting gas methane-(CH4), which […]

26 февраля, 2024

ChatGPT as co-author of scientific papers: can it be done?

The news that some scientists have included OpenAI (the consortium that has developed some artificial intelligence systems including Chat GPT) among the authors of scientific papers has aroused immediate reactions from both the research community and that of peer reviewed journal editors (1). In reality, Chat GPT is not the first artificial intelligence (AI) to […]

24 февраля, 2024

Disorders of conscience, Italy second in the world for study guide

Rome, 21 Mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — Italy is the second country in the world, preceded by the USA and followed by Belgium and Great Britain, leading research on patients with disorders of conscience. The role of Italian specialists and centers in national and international research on disorders of consciousness and severe acquired brain injuries was […]