23 февраля, 2022

1,400 medical errors in the last year

Berlin (pag) – In the treatment error statistics for the year 2021, collected by the German Medical Association (BÄK), 1,416 treatment errors have been determined. Of these, 1,293 bear responsibility for damage to the patient’s health, in 180 cases there is a treatment error without causal damage to health.  Last year, the BÄK processed 5,324 […]

14 января, 2022

Surgery, 17 years old from Stockholm to Pavia to treat a killer arrhythmia

Milan, 17 Mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — From Stockholm to Pavia to treat a potentially fatal arrhythmia, which since he was a child caused him continuous cardiac arrests. A 17-year-old Swedish boy, suffering from a severe tachycardia of genetic origin called Cpvt (catecholamine polymorphic ventricular tachycardia), was operated at St. Matthew’s Polyclinic that the doctors of […]

1 января, 2022

Surgery, in Padua double surgery on the beating organ heart, ‘world premiere’

Milan, 15 Mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — «World first» cardiac surgery in Padua, where a 62-year-old man with severe mitral regurgitation and atrial fibrillation was subjected simultaneously to valve plastic and fibrillation ablation with auricle closure, all with a beating heart without extracorporeal circulation. «Rapid and immediate» the recovery of the patient, at his first heart […]

29 декабря, 2021

Should prefrailty be counteracted earlier in people with HIV?

Research has shown that up to two-thirds of the aging HIV population could be affected by prefrailty. Cognition Prefrailty (defined as 1 or 2/5 of the leading symptomsaccording to Fried criteria) affects up to two-thirds of older people, who live with HIV. Why this matters The primary factors driving frailty in older people with HIV should be […]

27 декабря, 2021

Reorganization of the discipline of scientific hospitalization and care institutes

Italian Government Decreto Legislativo   n.200 — Official Gazette n.304 of — In force Reorganization of the discipline of scientific hospitalization and care institutes Chapter I                THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC    Having regard to Articles 76 and 87, fifth paragraph, of the Constitution;   Having regard to the Law , No.129, delegating […]

18 декабря, 2021

Mortality from heart failure: furosemide and torasemide equivalent

By Dr. Susanne Heinzl In heart failure patients treated with torasemide or with after discharge from hospital, overall mortality and hospitalization rates are similar. The primary endpoint of all-cause mortality did not differ between the two treatment groups in all predefined subgroups. This was the result of the open, pragmatic TRANSFORM-HF study ((ToRsemide compArisoN with […]

7 ноября, 2021

EMA recommends extension of dapagliflozin

The At its meeting in December 2022 a  Extension forDapagliflozin (Forxiga, Edistride, AstraZeneca) recommended: The SGLT-2 inhibitor is indicated in adults for the treatment of symptomatic chronic heart failure, with the restriction to patients with «reduced ejection fraction» to be eliminated in the future. Dapagliflozin is also used in type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney […]

5 ноября, 2021

AIFA introduces a specialized treatment plan for the medicine Ranexa

AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco     AIFA introduces a specialized therapeutic plan for the medicine During the procedure for renegotiating the reimbursement and price conditions of the ranolazine medicine (), the AIFA Technical Scientific Commission (CTS) modified the conditions of prescription of the drug. In particular, in order to promote prescriptive appropriateness, a therapeutic plan […]

11 октября, 2021

Common calculation of QTc interval can lead to wrong chemotherapy decisions

A A commonly used formula that overestimates the risk of an adverse cardiac event can lead to incorrect chemotherapy decisions according to a published in Study. With many cancer drugs, there is a risk of prolongation of the QT interval, which promotes fatal cardiac arrhythmias in patients.Because of this risk, cancer patients often undergo ECG […]