29 ноября, 2023

Acute pulmonary embolism: afterwards often long anxiety and depression

Erkenntnis Up to 2  Years after hospitalization for acute pulmonary embolism (LE), every 5.  Patient with anxiety and/or depression symptoms. Risk factors include history of depression, high-risk PE, low oxygen saturation upon ingestion, and persistent dyspnea. Why this matters The high prevalence of anxiety and depression suggests that careful monitoring of patients’ mental health up to […]

28 сентября, 2023

Pisa and San Giuliano, survey on the state of health of the population

Pisa, 20 Jan. — (Adnkronos Salute) — Starting next February, 200 men and women aged between 35 and 74, randomly selected among the residents of the Municipalities of Pisa and San Giuliano Terme, will receive an invitation to participate in a survey on their state of health. The people who will take part in the […]

4 сентября, 2023

Hypersensitivity syndrome associated with sulfasalazine treatment

SIF Societa’ Italiana di Farmacologia Hypersensitivity syndrome associated with sulfasalazine treatment Edited by Alessandra Russo. Specialist in Medical Toxicology. Messina Clinical case A 52-year-old man was hospitalized following the onset of erythema and papules systemically for 10 days and fever for 2 days. The patient was on sulfasalazine as he was suffering from ulcerative colitis. […]

27 июня, 2023

List of innovative drugs

AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco List of innovative drugs AIFA publishes the October 2022 update AIFA updates the list of medicines that, in the opinion of the Technical Scientific Commission, meet the requirement of full or conditional therapeutic innovativeness. The list represents the innovative products that must be made immediately available to patients, even without […]

11 мая, 2023

E-prescription: KVWL also stops roll-out

Dortmund (pag) – The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Westphalia-Lippe (KVWL) is withdrawing from the roll-out of the e-prescription. The reason is the veto of the Federal Data Protection Commissioner Prof. Ulrich Kelber against the in his opinion insecure redemption by the electronic health card (eGK). This means that both KVs have jumped off […]

25 апреля, 2023

New idea: primary care centres

The BMC’s concept for a new organisational form of primary care envisages the greater involvement of non-medical health professions and the provision of primary care that can be used across social spaces.»This includes offers to maintain health as well as the combination of social and medical-nursing services,» says Prof. Lutz Hager, Chairman of the Board […]

20 апреля, 2023

Stroke due to basilaris occlusion: thrombectomy significantly reduces mortality

Core messages In strokes caused by occlusion of the basilar artery, patients have a clear medical advantage from endovascular thrombectomy. 90-day survival is significantly increased by 25-34% compared to standard therapy without thrombus removal. Thrombectomy also significantly improves functional outcome (1, 2). BackgroundStrokes are the leading cause of acquired disability and one of the leading […]

11 марта, 2023

The right time for antihypertensive

It is Is it better to take antihypertensive drugs in the morning or evening? It seems that the right answer is the most unexpected, and that is «when you prefer». This is suggested by the results of the TIME study (Treatment in Morning Evening) presented a few months ago at the congress of the European […]