25 сентября, 2019

Asp Palermo, telecardiology starts in Linosa and Lampedusa

Palermo, 28 Oct. (Adnkronos Salute) — The telecardiology project of the Asp of Palermo kicks off from the Pelagie. The team of the provincial health authority, led by the head of Cardiology of the Ingrassia Hospital and the head of the Lampedusa Polyclinic, Francesco D’Arca, installed the first reception and transmission station at the medical guard of Linosa. After testing the system with a series of tests, it will be possible from the first of November to carry out the electrocardiogram in the premises of the continuity of care which, in real time, is transmitted to the Cardiology Unit of the Ingrassia Hospital, where the specialist on duty will report the examination, sending — always in real time to the doctor of Linosa — the report as well as immediate support for any therapeutic need or transfer of the patient.The system is simple and provides a standard procedure that the doctor on duty must respect to carry out the examination and transmit it to the ‘central’ of Ingrassia. After the start of the telecardiology activity in the Pelagie, the system will be installed on Monday 7 November also at the Ustica Polyclinic.

«We provide the community with a system that allows you to have a direct connection with a structure of excellence of our company — says the general manager of the Asp, Daniela Faraoni — In Linosa we have launched a program that provides both the periodic presence of specialists, and forms of support to operators such as telecardiology that is also extended to Lampedusa and from 7 November next in Ustica. The project is part of the proximity activities that have seen us engaged for months in all the centers of the province, both with the presence of operators and mobile structures, and now with the technology that allows us to support and support the performance of operators «.The head of Cardiology, Sergio Fasullo, underlines: «As we had assured the resident population of Linosa, the new system allows to transmit both vital parameters and graphic ECG traces. It is a 24-hour service that will allow us a more effective continuity of care for local users and tourists, and will allow us to identify a more appropriate path for cardiac and non-cardiac pathology».

«We want to bring citizens closer and closer to the services of the ASP — highlights the head of activities for the Pelagie and Ustica, Francesco D’Arca — In Linosa we have installed the new system thanks to the indispensable support of the Coast Guard, which we thank for the availability and attention it always has towards the health needs of the people. A special thanks goes to the CP 2105 crew that allowed us to respect the commitment made with the population in starting the telecardiology activity on time». The ASP operators have also ensured Linosa cardiological in-depth visits, pediatric vaccinations and activities aimed at the citizen such as ticket exemption, choice of doctor and issue of health cards.

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