Oristano, 1 Feb. (Adnkronos Salute) — The Regional Council of Sardinia has approved the corporate act of the Local Social and Health Authority of Oristano, a document that draws its architecture and organizational structure and outlines its development guidelines. «The company act proposed by the ASL 5 has been substantially implemented in full by the Region — explains the general manager Angelo Serusi — The philosophy of the document abandons the ‘hospedalocentric’ logic to embrace that of the ‘network’ and create a strong integration between hospital and territory.With this in mind, the creation of the rehabilitation network and that of palliative care, which will connect hospital, hospice, patient’s home, residential facilities and clinics, are framed. These are fundamental pieces to build a single system in which hospital and territorial services work in close connection with the aim of guaranteeing patients greater continuity of care».
The document gives a strong impetus to the strengthening of hospital facilities. «On this side – says the medical director Antonio Maria Pinna – among the most important innovations concerning the San Martino di Oristano there is the establishment of the complex structure of Neurology which, expanding the activities already present, lays the foundations for the creation of the stroke unit, dedicated to taking charge of patients with stroke and cerebral hemorrhages. This structure will be in continuity with that of Rehabilitation Medicine and Neurorehabilitation, which in turn will see its range of action extended, with an expansion of services on the territorial side «.
Also planned is the strengthening of digestive endoscopy, which will become a complex structure when fully operational, of hemodynamics and senology, which acquire the rank of simple departmental structures, as well as the institution of Otolaryngology, currently not present in the public hospital.
The newborn company act assigns a role and a specific weight also to the Delogu hospitals of Ghilarza and Mastino di Bosa, where not only the departments of Medicine and Long-term Care are reconfirmed, but the complex structure of week surgery is also established, in which medium and low intensity surgical activities will take place: an organization that will allow both to decongest the San Martino, to which the most complex interventions will be destined, both to reduce waiting times for less complex operations, which represent the most significant percentage of surgical needs. In Ghilarza the Center for the diagnosis and treatment of senile dementias and Alzheimer’s will be maintained and strengthened: a structure that, enhancing the experience gained, intends to act as a reference point for the whole of Central Sardinia.
«Planned in a short time in Ghilarza and subsequently in Bosa and Ales the establishment of Community Hospitals, hospital facilities with a strong territorial vocation dedicated to taking charge of patients who need medium-low intensity care and act as a link between the home and the acute hospital, equipped with medical, nursing and rehabilitation staff and diagnostic services such as the analysis laboratory, radiology, cardiological telemedicine and outpatient specialists», specifies the head of the hospital-territory integration office Alessandro Baccoli.
«Always with the aim of strengthening the non-hospital health facilities — he continues -, the company act in harmony with the PNRR and the new ministerial decrees provides for the creation of ten Community Houses, located in Oristano, Tramatza, Samugheo, Ghilarza, Santulussurgiu, Bosa, Ales, Terralba, Laconi and Cabras, in which the basic territorial health services will be collected as family doctors, outpatient specialists, medical guard), and the introduction of the community nurse, a professional who will take care of specific health needs: a new figure that will soon be tested through pilot projects» clarifies Baccoli.
On the organizational level, the direction of territorial health will be entrusted to the Department of territorial activities, which will coordinate the three districts of Oristano, Ales-Terralba and Bosa-Ghilarza to ensure a more effective, unitary and homogeneous government of extra-hospital services.
The new company act then brings back to the Oristano ASL the Department of Prevention, so far shared with the ASL of Nuoro and Lanusei in the Center Area, and enriches it with two simple departmental structures, one dedicated to Health and the environment, which aims to protect human health from environmental pollution factors, and that for Prevention and health promotion, in which cancer screening will be hinged. Another innovation proposed by the document on the basis of regional indications is that relating to the establishment of the Department of Psychology of primary care, which will promote activities of prevention, support and protection of the psychological well-being of the individual and the community.
«The new organization of hospital and territorial health has the ambition to create the conditions for the construction of an attractive company for new professionals who intend to get involved, grow and invest in our structures – comments the manager of ASL 5 – With the company act we have laid the foundations for there to be a vision and a perspective of development of health in the area, both by enhancing the excellent existing skills and by aiming to acquire new ones.Having a formal structure in which to incardinate and enhance new professionalism through this document is a fundamental step to give legs to our design».
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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/asl-oristano-approvata-da-giunta-regionale-nuova-struttura-organizzativa