23 января, 2024

Allocation of the fund for the enhancement of Next-Generation Sequencing tests for genomic profiling of tumors for which evidence and appropriateness are recognized

Ministry of Health

Decree — Official Gazette n.253 of

Allocation of the fund for the strengthening of  test  di  Next-Generation Sequencing  di  profiling  genomics  dei  tumors  dei  quali  evidence is recognized and  appropriateness
                      THE MINISTER OF HEALTH
  Having regard to Articles 3, 11, 32, 117 and 118 of the Constitution;
  Having regard to the decree of the  President  del  Council  dei  ministers  11
February 2014, No.59,  bearing  ‘Regulation  di  organization  del
Ministry of Health’;
  Having regard to the law of 23 December 1978, n. 833  bearing  ‘Institution  del
National Health Service’;
  Having regard to the legislative decree  30  December  1992,  n.  502  recante
«Reorganization of the discipline in health matters, pursuant to art.  1
of Law No 421 of 23 October 1992′;
  Having regard to Legislative Decree No 517 of 7 December 1993 ‘Amendments
to Legislative Decree 30 December 1992,  n.  502,  bearing  reordering
of the health regulation,  a  standard  art.  1 
Law No 421 of 23 October 1992′;
  Having regard to Law no. 419 of 30 November 1998 «Delegation to the Government  per  la
rationalisation of the National Health Service e  per  the adoption
of a single text on organization  e  operation  del
National Health Service.Modifications  al  decree  legislative  30
December 1992, No 502′;
  Having regard to art. 1, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, del  decree  legislative  30
December 1992, n. 502, regulating, among  the other,  le  mode
for  la  definition  e  disbursement  dei  levels   essential   di
  Having regard to the decree of the President  del  Council  dei  ministers,  12
January 2017 with ad  subject:  ‘Definition  e  update  of
essential levels of assistance, referred to in art.  1,  comma  7,  del
decreto legislativo 30 dicembre 1992, n. 502′ determining the levels
essential  di  support  ed  in   particular   the   ‘nomenclator
performance   support   specialist   outpatient»   di    cui
in Annex 4 identifying the tests against the _- Service  health
  Having regard to art.1, paragraph 684 of the law  30  December  2021,  n.  234
‘State budget for  the year  financial  2022  e
multiannual budget for the  three-year period  2022-2024″  that  ha  established
in the state of  forecast  del  Ministry  della  health  a  fund,
named Next-Generation Test Fund  Sequencing,  with  a
budget of EUR 5 million each  degli  years  2022  e
  Having regard to the following paragraph 685 which allocates the aforementioned fund to
«enhancement of Next-Generation Sequencing profiling tests
genomics  dei  tumors  dei  quali  are   recognized   evidence   e
  Seen, also, the paragraph 686  that  predicts  that  ‘with  decree  del
Minister of Health, to be adopted within sixty days  from  date
of entry into force of this law, the criteria
and the modalities of allocation of the fund referred to in paragraph 684 are identified,  as well as ‘  the
system for monitoring the use of sums’;
  Considering that the above mentioned resources, equal to 5 million  di  euro
per year of the two-year period 2022-2023, are registered  on
budget chapter 2307 management plan 1, called «Fund for i
Next Generation test  Sequencing  e  provisions  in  matter  di
laboratories», belonging to the responsibility center  della  Directorate
general of health prevention, and established  per  le  Purpose
above as part of  program  di  expense  ‘Prevention  e
promotion of human health and care  sanitary  al  personnel
navigating and airfaring»,  della  mission  ‘Protection  della  health»
of the estimates of the Ministry of Health;
  Having regard to the decree of the Minister  economics  e  of  finance  31
December 2021, concerning the division into chapters  of  Parliamentary voting units
relating to the budget of  forecast  per  the financial year
2022 and for the three-year period 2022-2024;
  Having regard to art.2, paragraph 109, of the law of 23 December  2009,  n.  191,
recante  provisions  per  la  training  del  budget  annual  e
multiannual of the State, which starts   from  1°  January  2010,  ha
repealed art. 5 of Law No 386 of 30 November 1989 on
Participation of the autonomous provinces  ai  funding  recati  from
any provision of law;
  Whereas  la  possibility  della  profiling  molecular,
mainly using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques,
and the possibility of accessing targeted therapies based on  presence
of alterations  molecular  that  need  di  test  in  degree  of
identify them, represent important innovations in oncology;
  Considering the need to identify a  pathology  oncology
for which it is possible to use tests  per  the  sequencing
extended genomic (NGS) for molecular diagnosis and la  which  incidence
in the Italian population is such as to guarantee an adequate use
of the available fund, ensuring an equal possibility of access
to the test;
  Having regard to the recommendations of ESMO (European  Society  for  Medical
Ongology) for the use of NGS in patients  with  tumors  metastatics
(F.Mosele et al, Ann Oncol 2020) that detect non&nbsp carcinoma; a
small  cells,  not  scaly  (adenocarcinoma)  metastatic   del
lung as a neoplasm for which it results  widely  documented
usage  di  test  di  NGS  al  end  di   an appropriate    choice
  Having regard to the opinion of the Superior Council of Health (CSS) —  Section
I, Session LII, of , expressed  su  request  della
D.G. della ricerca e dell’innovazione in sanita’ del Ministerio  of
health, which states about NGS tests that: ‘Evidence-recognised tests
are available  e  appropriateness,  widely  used
(also commercial) for all oncological diseases  associate  ad
actionable genetic alterations» and identifies  i  laboratories  eligible
for performing these tests as «Structures that today have a
consolidated experience (>2 years) in performing NGS tests».
  Having regard to the decree of the Director General of Health Prevention
del , with which  e’  state  instituted  the  Table  di
work, in which they participate  experts  national  di  proven  experience,
aimed at identifying within the oncological care path
the method of prescription, execution, use and monitoring  di
test  di  Next  Generation   Sequencing   (NGS)   with   warranty   di
appropriateness of use and cost analysis  of  performance  in
object in view of an economic health policy  effective  ed
  Tenuto  account  della  distribution  demographic   sul   territory
national, based on data  supplied  from ISTAT  referenced  al  1°
January 2022;
  Noted the identification of a quota for non&nbsp tests; higher
a euro 1.150,00;
  Held  necessary,  therefore,  proceed  alla  definition 
criteria and methods of distribution between regions;
  Acquired, also, the Understanding within the Permanent Conference  for
the relations between the State, the regions and the autonomous provinces of  Trento
e of Bolzano on (rep.acts no. 207/CSR);
                             Art. 1
                          Purpose and object

  1.This decree establishes  i  criteria  e  le  modalities  di
allocation of the fund established pursuant to art. 1,  comma  684,  della
Law No 234 ‘Budget of  forecast  dello  Status
for financial year 2022 and multiannual budget  per  the  three-year period
2022-2024″, as well as the system  di  monitoring  employment  of the
resources concerned.

                               Art. 2
     Criteria, resource allocation and monitoring

  1.For each of the years 2022  e  2023,  le  resources  di  which  al
previous art. 1, are broken down  between  le  regions  sulla  base  del
number of eligible patients, calculated  from  estimate  dei  cases  di
carcinoma  not  a  small  cells  (adenocarcinoma)  non   squamous
metastatic of the lung, up to the amount of available resources
annually,  second  la  table  di  cui   in the Annex   1,   that
is an integral part of this decree.
  2. The modalities and requirements for access  ai  test  di  NGS  In
patients with metastatic non-squamous non-small cell carcinoma
of the lung, are indicated  in the Annex  2  that  constitutes  Part
integral to this decree.
  3.For the year 2022, by 30 November, the regions send to the
Ministry of Health a resolution of commitment to adopt all 
acts necessary for the implementation of the   indications  of the Annex  2,
relative  alle   modalities   organizational   per   la   prescription,
the execution, use, monitoring, as well as the execution and  the
evaluation of NGS test results, with a view to an appropriate treatment choice for patients with non-a&nbsp cancer; small
metastatic nonsquamous cells of the lung.
  4. Within thirty days from  term  fixed  per  la  transmission
of the resolutions referred to in paragraph 3, the Ministry, acquired  the  favourable opinion
in favour of the Coordination Committee of  which  art.  3,  disburse
to the regions the financing referred to in paragraph  1,  relative  per year
  5.By , the regions  transmit  al  Ministry
of health the report of the first twelve months of activity  according to
the criteria set out in the abovementioned Annex 2.
  6. The Ministry of Health, having obtained the opinion of  Committee  di
coordination referred to in the following art.  3,  dispenses  alle  regions  The
funding referred to in paragraph 1, relating to the year 2023. Failure to o
incomplete presentation of the report  referenced  ai  first  Twelve
months of activity  involves  the  recovery  total  o  partial  delle
resources  transferred  e  preclude  the  transfer   of   Resources
of the year 2023 to defaulting regions.
  7. The regions may use the resources referred to in art.1, for
the performance of the activities referred to in the Annex  2,  within  the  31
March 2026. The regions shall transmit to the Ministry of  health,  by
30 October each year, an annual report, according to i  Criteria
set out in Annex 2. The Committee of  coordination
of art. 3, assess the conformity of the annual reports.  The
missed or incomplete submission of reports  annuals  comporta
il  recovery  total  o  partial   of   resources   Previously

                      Coordination Committee

  1.  Con  decree  del  Director  della  Management  general  della
health prevention e’  instituted  a  Committee  di  coordination,
composed of three representatives of the Ministry of Health  e  da  three
representatives of the regions and autonomous provinces.
  2. The task of the Coordination Committee shall be to evaluate the  deliberate
e interim and final reports on activities  turns  Transmitted
by the Regions, in the terms referred to in art.2, in order to evaluate  la
the requirements for the disbursement of funds are met.
  3. The Coordination Committee shall operate without new or major new members  Charges
to be borne by public finances.
  This decree is transmitted to the organs  di  control  ed  e’
published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana.
                            The Minister: Hope

Registered at the Court of Auditors on
Office for the Control of the Acts of the   Ministry  del  work  e  of
policies  social,  del  Ministry  education,  del  Ministry
of University and Research, Ministry  della  culture,  del
Ministry of Health, n.2698

                          &_ —      Annex 1
                    Fund breakdown table
             Part of the measure in graphic format

      —                      &_ —    Annex 2
Modality  per  indication,  prescription,  execution,  use  e
  Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) test monitoring  in scope
  of the course of care  oncology  with  warranty  di  appropriateness

    The number of biomarkers to be evaluated in the   practice  clinic  in
oncology   per   i   treatments   a   target   molecular    sta
progressively increasing.  This  evolution  della  medicine  di
precision requires careful selection of  technologies  di  analysis
for  ensure  that  esse  come  run   second   criteria   di
appropriateness, in times appropriate to clinical needs e  with  Le
often limited amounts of biological material available.
    The introduction of a technology in molecular diagnostics  di
sequencing  genomic  extended,   better   known   as   Next
Generation Sequencing (NGS),  represents  a  important  contribution
technological to cope   a  these  new  needs  clinics.  The NGS techniques in practice  clinic  must  be  applied  in
selected late-stage neoplasms, in  function  del  number  di
molecular  da  detect,  della  they  complexity  e  della
percentage  di  patients  with  biomarkers  approved  dagli   entities
regulators and national and international guidelines.
    In this regard, the Superior Council of Health (CSS) — with  opinion
of Section I, Session LII, 15  February  2022,  su  request
of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation in  health
of the Ministry of Health, states regarding NGS tests that:  «I am
available  test  recognized  per   evidence   e   appropriateness,
widely used (also  commercial)  per  all  le  pathologies
oncologic  associate  ad  alterations   genetic   actionable»   e
identifies the laboratories suitable for performing these  test  such as
«Structures that have a&nbsp today; consolidated  experience  (>2  years)
in NGS testing’.
    Alla  light  del  above  opinion  si  e’  identified   il
carcinoma  not  a  small  cells  not  scaly   (adenocarcinoma)
metastatic of the lung as a pathology  per  la  which  ci  si  can’
avail immediately  di  technology  di  sequencing   genomic
extended (NGS) for molecular diagnosis, in order to  a  appropriate
therapeutic choice for patients with it.
Ii.NGS for the choice of  therapy  in  carcinoma  not  a  Small
metastatic nonsquamous cells (adenocarcinoma) of the lung.
    In Italy in 2020 41,650 have been estimated  new  diagnosis  di
lung cancers.  Di  these,  the  40-50%  are  represented  da
adenocarcinomas.  The  tumor  del  lung  represents   la   second
neoplasm more frequent in males (15%)  e  la  third  in  women
(6%), with 34,000 deaths in 2020 (males = 23,400; females = 10,600)
(Source AIRTUM).
    The distribution by region of these cases  e’  reported  in the
Table in Annex 1.
    Based on these epidemiological elements and in  consideration
of levels  di  evidence  clinic  dei    molecular  e  of
recommendations of the European Society For  Medical  Oncology  (ESMO)
for the use of NGS technology in patients with  tumors  metastatici
(Mateo et al, Ann Oncol 2018; Mosele  et  al,  Ann  Oncol  2020),  e’
individuated  the  carcinoma  not  a  small  cells   non   squamous
(adenocarcinoma) metastatic of the lung as  la  neoplasm  per  la
which can be used immediately for tests in NGS  per  Multigenic analysis
Multigenic with therapeutic relapses.
    In this neoplasm the use of NGS technology allows:
      1)  optimization  employment   del   sample   biological
available which has been shown to represent, in particular for
biopsies, an important limit for determinations made  by
individual tests performed at a later time;
      2) the detection of molecular alterations  actionable,  that
may not even be detected by other methods of  analysis,
for which active drugs are available  refunded  from  SSN  O
However accessible with different procedures.
    I  results  di  one  study  duct  in  reality  hospital
italiane and referred to the use of NGS for la  profiling  in  patients
with non-a&nbsp lung cancer; small  cells  highlight  a
cost for NGS tests  di  euro  1.150,00  allo  state  current  of
genomic alterations investigated, against a cost of  euro  1.780,00
for standard methods (Pinto et al, Health Economics 2021).
    The prescription of a test  NGS  e’  indicated  nei  patients  with
carcinoma  not  a  small  cells  not  scaly   (adenocarcinoma)
metastatic of the lung susceptible to anticancer treatment e
taking into account the preferences expressed  from  patient  appropriately
informed at the time of choosing the former  line  di  therapy,  e
can’  be  repeated  nei  patients  with   alterations   molecular
actionable undergoing therapies  a    molecular  when  Disease progression is shown
    Si  predicts  usage  di  panels  that  are  in  degree   di
analyze at least the molecular alterations below  al  end
to identify alterations  genes  that  allow  a  intervention
therapeutic or that in any case may have a role for the  definition
di  choices  therapeutic,  with  benefit   clinical   della   therapy
prescribed on the basis of profiling  molecular  in  terms  di
efficacy, toxicity and impact  sulla  quality  di  life  del
    The NGS tests used  must  identify  at least  le  following
molecular alterations for which they are  already  accessibility  drugs:
KRAS  mutation   G12C,   EGFR   mutations,   BRAF   mutations,   ALK
rearrangements,  ROS1  rearrangements,  NTRK  rearrangements,  RET
rearrangements,  MET  mutations  with  loss  exon  14  (exon
skipping), HER2 mutations.
    Genomic tests are not indicated in cases where the  patient
correctly informed has denied consent to treatment,  ne’
when, in the clinical judgment of the oncologist,  le  features  e  the patient’s clinical conditions exclude
clinical conditions of the patient to exclude  la  Possibility
of further therapeutic interventions indicated by the results of  test.
It is necessary to request further consent if  the  Result
of the test has oncogenetic implications.
    The prescription of the test  NGS  comes  carried out  from  center  di
oncology, public o  private  accredited,  that  ha  in  load  the
patient, following multidisciplinary evaluation e  in  context
del  path  diagnostic  therapeutic  welfare   (PDTA)   ove
    The oncology center in charge of prescribing must  fill in
a computerized form/request that shows, in addition to the master data and
the parameters that allow you to identify the level of  risk  del
patient, also the  next  result  del  test  e  the  path
therapeutic  undertaken.  Such   card   shall,   Also,   Be updated with annual follow-up data.
    Al  center  di  oncology  compete  also’  la  verification  della
availability of an appropriate biological sample to be addressed to  a
laboratory  anatomy  pathological/pathology  molecular  between   those
identified at regional level.
    The regions identify in their respective deliberative acts i  centers
di  oncology  e  i  laboratories  di   anatomy   pathological/pathology
molecular that will perform the prescription and i&nbsp, respectively; test
    Laboratories  di  anatomy  pathological/pathology  molecular  that
can execute  i  test  NGS  are  identified  between  those  with
experience  consolidated,  top  ai  two  years,  di  profiling
genomics by NGS on tissue samples and liquid biopsy,  as
reported in the cited opinion expressed by  CSS  in  data  15  February
    In fulfillment  of  functions  di  competence,  i  centers  di
oncology prescribers are required  al  respect  of  European and national data protection provisions
; relative  alla
health and genetic data, such as data  personal  belonging  alle
special categories  di  which  art.  9  del  regulation  EU  n.
2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.
    The execution and subsequent interpretation of the test should not
result in a delay in the initiation of therapy that could potentially compromise the effectiveness of treatment
    The anatomical-pathologist is responsible for the evaluation of the  suitability  del
tissue sample (primary tumor or metastasis)  sul  which  it will have to
be  executed  the  test,  as well as ‘  della  dissection  del  Fabric
Required to optimize test results.
    In cases in  which  not  sia  possible  have  di  a  sample
tissue,  the  test  could  be  executed  su  sample  Blood
(liquid biopsy). La  biopsy  liquid  can’  have  dei  limits  di
sensitivity  Related  alla  quantity  di  DNA  tumor   circulating
(ctDNA), and therefore should be limited to cases where there is non  sia  fabric
suitable available and/or the  biopsy  not  can  be  repeated.  The
patient must be  informed  dei  limits  del  test  executed  su
blood sample in case it is necessary to use it.
    The unit  operative   di   anatomy   pathological/laboratory   di
molecular pathology in which the test will be performed  NGS  use  la
identification statement «NGS test for non-small cell carcinoma
non    scaly    (adenocarcinoma)    metastatic    del     lung
cyto/histologically diagnosed’ for registration on  system
local operating system (SIL).For traceability purposes only, the unit
operative unit of pathological anatomy/pathology laboratory  molecular
sending the  sample  per  execution  del  test  in  other  seat
register the submission with the item «Sending by  sample  per  Test  NGS  for
carcinoma  not  a  small  cells  not  scaly   (adenocarcinoma)
metastatic of cyto/histologically diagnosed lung’.
    As regards i  panels  genes,  are  available  tests
commercially recognized by evidence  e  appropriateness,  widely
used for many associated oncological diseases  ad  alterations
actionable genes.
    It is necessary to use CE-IVD or CE-IVDR&nbsp marked tests; or,  in
alternative, carrying out internal validation procedures  del
test for purpose of  diagnosis  clinic  da  part  del  Laboratory
    In public procedures for the purchase of NGS tests,
le  regions  must  use  criteria  di  evaluation  based  SU
Up-to-date scientific evidence and technologies validated for use
clinical.The financing will be   used  per  the  refund  of
performance, allocating a quota for  test  not  top  a  euro
VI. Usage
    The use of NGS test results is guaranteed by the center  di
oncology  that  ha  in  load   the   patient   per   the indication,
the execution and follow-up of any therapies indicated.
    If the test  NGS  individuals  alterations  genomic  that  non
result  susceptible  di  treatment  with  i  drugs  a  
molecular already recognized  e  available,  interpretation  del
result  must  be  entrusted  a  a   group   multidisciplinary
including, in addition to the oncologist, at least one pathologist/molecular biologist and
a geneticist.
    For the safekeeping and security of data and samples  biological
are adopted precautions dictated in the provision n.  146  del  2019,
adopted by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data,  ai  Senses
of art.21, paragraph 1, of the legislative decree  10  August  2018,  n.
101,  also  relatively  alle   information   from   provide   Concerned
,  acquisition  del  consent   e   alla   Counselling
VII. Monitoring
    Reporting, both for the purposes  del  monitoring  the use
of the fund both for the purpose of checking appropriateness and of  clinical outcomes
clinical results obtained using NGS tests in addition to   parameters
clinical-pathological,   e’   insured,   second    le    indications
organizational of each region, from  each  center  di  oncology
detected using la  next  name:  ‘Test  NGS  for
carcinoma  not  a  small  cells  not  scaly   (adenocarcinoma)
metastatic of cyto/histologically diagnosed lung’.
    For patients belonging to treatment centres located outside the
region of residence, the benefit is considered to be dependent  of
region to which it belongs, by means of economic compensation between region
provider and region of residence,  that  takes place  via  billing
    Le  regions  provide  a  report  usage  del   fund
within and with the modalities of the usual statements and with  cadence
annual; in addition, they communicate to the Ministry a  relationship  detailed
regarding the number of NGS tests performed, appropriate use,
clinical outcomes and changes in use  of  resources  obtained
with   employment   dei   test   NGS   in   addition    ai    parameters
    The regions shall use this report by the regions; dei  data  press releases
from cancer centers  prescribers  dei  test,  as well as ‘  di  analysis
secondary data of administrative health data,  in  form  aggregate  e
anonymous.The annual report must include:
      the number of NGS tests performed;
      the  moment  of enforcement  del  test  (first  determination
performed for the definition of the first  line  of  therapy;  second
determination performed at disease progression in  patient  already’
subjected to molecular therapy);
      the sample used to perform the test  (sample  di
tumor tissue  primitive;  sample  di  tissue  di  metastasis;
liquid biopsy);
      the type of panel used and the number of genes evaluated;
      the identified actionable molecular alterations;
      therapy a    molecular  prescribed  e  practiced  from
patient based on NGS test results.
    Other information will also be collected, such as:
      the duration of treatment of molecular therapy;
      the outcomes  della  therapy  in  terms  di  answer  objective
obtained, time to therapy failure and adverse events;
      overall survival;
      the number of inpatient/outpatient accesses.

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