11 апреля, 2020

AIFA publishes the 2021 Vaccines report

AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

AIFA publishes the 2021 Vaccine Report

In 2021, out of a total of about 20.5 million doses administered in Italy for all types of vaccines — excluding anti-Covid-19 vaccines — 18,060 reports were included in the National Pharmacovigilance Network, of which 15,978 refer to suspected adverse events that occurred in 2021,  with a rate of 78 reports per 100,000 doses administered.Reports reporting serious vaccine-related reactions were 3.6 per 100,000 doses

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/aifa-pubblica-il-rapporto-vaccini-2021

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