AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco
AIFA introduces a specialized therapeutic plan for the medicine
During the procedure for renegotiating the reimbursement and price conditions of the ranolazine medicine (), the AIFA Technical Scientific Commission (CTS) modified the conditions of prescription of the drug.
In particular, in order to promote prescriptive appropriateness, a therapeutic plan (PT) has been introduced to be compiled by the hospital doctor or the cardiologist or geriatrician specialist or internist who work in the structures of the NHS.
Ranolazine is prescribed by the NHS as an adjunctive therapy for the symptomatic treatment of patients with chronic stable angina pectoris who are inadequately controlled or intolerant to maximal antianginal therapy.
The treatment plan will help to make the prescription in line with the provisions of the indication, both through a verification of the drug therapies received previously and by reminding the prescribing doctor of the correct dosages of the drug.
For patients who start ranolazine therapy, the treatment plan must be drawn up as early as the day following the publication of the AIFA determination in the Official Journal (which took place on ), while to ensure the therapeutic continuity of patients already on treatment, the preparation of the therapeutic plan by the specialist may take place within a maximum period of three months from publication in the Official Gazette.
At the same time as the introduction of the treatment plan, the drug was excluded from the PHT list.
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