Pescara 1 Feb. (Adnkronos Health) — Improve the flow of information regarding the regional vaccination registry and cancer screening, so as to have coherent, timely and above all extracted data with a unified procedure by all the ASL of the Region. This is the main objective of the measure approved by the Regional Council, on the proposal of the Councillor for Health, Nicoletta Verì, which provides for the activation of a new telematic platform.A tool that in addition to recording information, will allow citizens to take advantage of a series of new services.
«During the Pescara conference last December promoted in collaboration with the Court of Auditors – recalls Verì – the issue of the large amount of information relating to the health system that too often cannot be put on the network because technological infrastructures do not have the possibility to interface was raised. This project is one of the many on which the Department and the Department are working, so that the many information systems currently in operation in Abruzzo are not compartmentalized solutions, but become interconnected».
For the new platform, which will update the one in operation since 2013, an expenditure of 5 and a half million euros is expected until 2026 and will be managed centrally by the Digital Health Service of the regional Department.On the vaccine front, integration with the portals used by family doctors and pharmacies will be implemented (in particular with regard to flu shots); access to the system through Spid; the display, by each citizen, of all vaccinations carried out (including the administration of the Covid 19 vaccine and that for papilloma virus) during life and simultaneous printing of the vaccination booklet.
In the same system, the management of cancer screening will also be implemented, with the possibility for citizens to consult the campaigns in progress, manage appointments, submit spontaneous applications and contact the screening centers directly. Doctors, on the other hand, will be able to manage all clinical and diagnostic aspects in a more streamlined and effective way.
«The project – adds the councilor – is part of the three-year strategic plan on the digitization of regional health, approved last year. An articulated and complex program, with an investment of about 50 million euros (financed with own funds and PNRR resources) that will serve to equip our health system with cutting-edge technologies and services».
In the same context, a second project was also approved by the Regional Council, concerning a new IT system for the collection and management of all information flows from the ASL, regional health governance and national programs.In this case the investment is 6 million euros, which will be used for the centralization of the information assets already present, to enhance the analysis of data and ensure the preparation of interventions based on consolidated data, to ensure the timely availability of critical data to fulfill ministerial deadlines.
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