5 июня, 2024

In terms of risk, is a low or high level of SHBG more problematic?

It is unclear who this individual is.

The biological effects of sex steroid hormones are significantly influenced not by their total blood fraction, but rather by the plasma concentration of free (bioavailable) steroids.
The levels of SHBG (a trap protein that irreversibly binds testosterone) and albumin were also measured.

It is important to consider this when studying metabolism and the clinical effects of sex steroid hormones in both sexes:

Drug-mediated factors;

Hormonal and metabolic factors;

Genetic determinants;

Non-hormonal factors.

SHBG: structure, sites of synthesis in the body, and affinity for sex steroids.

Located on the short arm of chromosome 17,
expressed in most vertebrates.
Regulates the local bioavailability of androgens.
Androgens and estrogens competitively interact with the same steroid binding site of steroid binding in SHBG.

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