14 августа, 2019

Tumors, presented to the Ministry of Health — The numbers of cancer 2022

Ministry of Health — AIOM

Tumors, presented to the Ministry of Health — The numbers of cancer 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a setback in the fight against cancer, causing in Italy, overall, a sharp slowdown in diagnostic activities in the field of oncology. Never before has it been necessary to offer the best practices of prevention, treatment and assistance.

This is what was declared by the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, speaking at the presentation of the Report «The numbers of cancer in Italy 2022» on December 19, edited by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM), AIRTUM (Italian Association of Cancer Registries), AIOM Foundation, National Screening Observatory (ONS), PASSI (Progress of Health Authorities in Italy), PASSI d’Argento and the Italian Society of Pathological Anatomy and Diagnostic Cytology (SIAPeC-IAP).The report shows that in Italy, in 2022, 390,700 new cancer diagnoses are estimated (in 2020 they were 376,600), with an increase of 14,100 cases in two years.

The Minister also underlined the importance of Covid-19 vaccination for cancer patients, who are more exposed to risks in case of positivity to SARS-CoV-2 infection. «The volume constitutes a support of great value for the National Health Service, for the Ministry of Health and, undoubtedly, for cancer patients» reaffirming the commitment to strengthen primary and secondary prevention activities and to recover diagnostic delays» — added the Minister reiterating the commitment to a rapid adoption of the National Oncology Plan, as part of the actions to strengthen prevention, diagnosis, treatment and assistance of cancer patients.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/tumori-presentato-al-ministero-della-salute—i-numeri-del-cancro-2022

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