19 июня, 2022

Evaluation in terms of quality, safety and appropriateness of the activities provided for accreditation and contractual agreements with health facilities

Ministry of Health

Decree — Official Gazette n.305 of

Evaluation in terms of quality, safety and appropriateness of the activities provided for accreditation and for contractual agreements with health facilities
  Having regard to Articles 32, 117, paragraph 2, letter r), 117, paragraph 3 and 118
of the Constitution;
  Having regard to the Implementing Decision of the Council of the European Union  europea
del , concerning the approval of the  evaluation  del
Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan;
  Having regard to art.9 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on  alla  protection  of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data;
  Having regard to the decree  legislative  30  December  1992,  n.  502,  e  in
particular its Title II, Articles 8  e  following,  dedicated
to the regulation of health services;
  Having regard to the agreement reached by the Standing Conference for: i  relations
between the State, regions and provinces  autonomous  in  data  23  March
2005, which establishes a series of obligations aimed at  al  monitoring
of the implementation of core levels of assistance from  part 
regions and autonomous provinces (rep. acts n. 2271/CSR);
  Having regard to the Decree of the Minister of Health of 2 April 2015, n.70
containing ‘Standards-Definition Regulation  qualitative,
structural,  technological  e  quantities  relative   assistance
  Having regard to the decree of the Minister of Health of the  28  December  1991,
published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana del  17
January 1992,  n.  13,  e  next  modifications,  relative  alla
institution of the hospital discharge card;
  Having regard to art. 50  del  decree-law  30  September  2003,  n.  269,
converted, with amendments, by law no. 326 of 24 November 2003 and
the related implementing decrees, concerning the institution  del  System
health card;
  Having regard to Legislative Decree 7 March 2005, n. 82,  bearing  ‘Digital Administration code
  Visa  the  decree  legislative  6  May  2011,  n.  68,  containing
‘Provisions on autonomy  di  entry  of  regions  a
ordinary and provincial statute,  as well as ‘  di  determination 
costs and standard needs in the health sector’;
  Visa  art.  12  del  decree-law  18  October  2012,  n.  179,
converted, with amendments, by the law of 17 December 2012,  n.  221
concerning «Electronic health record, surveillance systems
in the health sector and digital health governance» and i  relative
implementing decrees;
  Having regard to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers  del  29
September 2015 n.178 laying down the Regulation on the subject  di  file
health electronic’ and, in particular, the forecasts of  which  Articles
Articles 18, 19 and 20 concerning the processing of related data for
Purposes of government;
  Having regard to the agreement reached by the Standing Conference for: i  relations
between the State, regions and autonomous provinces on date  20  December
2012, on the document containing «Discipline for revision of the legislation
of accreditation», in implementation of art. 7, paragraph 1 of the Pact for
health 2010/2012 (rep. acts no. 259/CSR);
  Considering that the aforementioned agreement of 20  December  2012  provides,
inter alia, the establishment of the working table  per  lo  development  e
the application of the national accreditation system, with the aim
to constitute reference and support to regions and autonomous provinces
for lo  development  e  the application  del  system  di  accreditation
  Having regard to the agreement reached by the Standing Conference for: i  relations
between the State, regions and autonomous provinces on date  19  February
2015, on the subject of  fulfilments  relative  accreditation  Delle
Health facilities (rep.acts no. 32/CSR);
  Visa  the  decree  legislative  14  March  2013,  n.  33,  containing
‘Reorganisation of the rules concerning the right of civic access and
the obligations of publicity, transparency and dissemination of information
by the   public  administrations’  e  i  relative  Principles
applicable to institutions and structures that  erogano  performance  for
National Health Service account;
  Visa  art.  32  del  decree-law  24  June  2014,   n.   90,
converted, with amendments, by the law of 11 August  2014,  n.  114,
as amended by art. 1, paragraph 704 of Law 28  December
2015, n. 208, recante misure straordinarie di  management,  support  e
monitoring of companies involved in criminal proceedings for facts
corrupt   i.e.   recipients    di    information    antimafia
interdictive, providing in particular, that the measures  extraordinary
of corruption prevention of which  al  recalled  art.  32  del
decreto-legge 24 giugno 2014,  n.  90,  are  applied  also  alle
enterprises carrying out health activities  per  account  del  Service
national health service on the basis of the contractual agreements referred to in art.
8-quinquies of Legislative Decree 30 December 1992, n.502;
  Having regard to the guidelines of the Authority  national  anti-corruption  For
The application of art. 32, paragraphs 2-bis and 10  del  decree-law  24
June 2014, n. 90, to companies that exercise  activities  health
on behalf of the Service  sanitary  national  in  base  agli  Contractual agreements
pursuant to art. 8-quinquies of the decree  legislative  30
December 1992, n. 502, as published in the Gazette  Official
n. 197 of 24 August 2016;
  Having regard to the decree of the Minister of Health of 21 June  2016  that
has indicated the Programme  national  outcomes  which  tool  per  lo
development of business redevelopment plans ai  sensi  of art.
1, paragraph 528, of Law no. 208 of 28 December 2015,  with  particular
reference  to the identification  degli  scopes  welfare  e  dei
parameters for continuous monitoring  assistance  sanitary  e
to the development of clinical-organizational auditing activities;
  Having regard to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers  del  12
January 2017, which defined and updated i  levels  essential  di
assistance (LEA), pursuant to art.1, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree
30 December 1992, n. 502;
  Having regard to the law of 8 March 2017, n. 24 containing «Provisions on the subject
di sicurezza delle care e della persona assistita, as well as in materia
di  Responsibilities  professional  degli  merchants  le  professions
  Having regard to the decree of the  Minister  della  health  del  12  March  2019
concerning  the  new  system  di  warranty  per  the   monitoring
of healthcare, published in the Official Journal  della
Italian Republic of 14 June 2019, n. 138;
  Having regard to the Agreement of the Standing Conference for the relations
between the State, regions and autonomous provinces on date  17  December
2020, on the document containing «National indications  per  the provision of telemedicine services
(rep.acts no. 215/CSR);
  Having regard to art. 1, paragraphs 491, 491-bis, 492-496 of the law of 30 December
2020, n. 178, regarding the safeguard  appropriateness  of
care, of the right to proximity of  services,  e  del  law  di
free choice of the citizen, and in particular the provision referred to in
aforesaid art. 1, paragraph 492 according to which the Committee  permanent
for the verification of the disbursement of the LEA pursuant to art. 9 of the agreement
between the State, the regions and  le  Provinces  autonomous  di  Trento  e  di
Bolzano sanctioned on 23 March 2005, «adopts guidelines e  set  di
objective indicators  e  measurable,  also  through  i  data  del
Health card system,  al  end  di  harmonize  i  systems  di
control  di  appropriateness   degli   dispensers   accredited   with
the goal of improving efficiency  e  appropriateness  in the use
of the factors of production and the orderly programming of the  appeal  agli
accredited public and private providers, orienting to  maintenance
of high standards in the activity rendered by the   dispensers  public  e
private accredited, also recognized, as hospitalization institutes and
scientific care»;
  Having regard to art.1, paragraph 493 of Law No 178, which
provides that the Standing Committee for  la  verification  of the disbursement
of the LEA referred to in art. 9 of the agreement between the State, the regions  e  le
Autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano sanctioned  in  data  23  March
2005, adopts guidelines and sets of objective indicators and  measurable,
also through card system data  sanitary,  al  end  di
harmonize the appropriateness control systems of  dispensers
accredited   with   the objective   di   improve   efficiency    e
the appropriateness  in use  dei  factors  productive   e   the ordinate
programming  del  appeal  agli  dispensers  public   e   private
accredited,  orienting  al   maintenance   di   elevated   standard
in the activity rendered by public providers e  private individuals  accredited,
also recognized, as hospitalization institutions  e  care  a  character
  Visa  art.  9  del  decree-law  8  October  2021,   n.   139,
converted, with amendments, by law ,  n.  205,
on entities and methods for processing  dei  data  personal
related to health, without direct identifiers;
  Having regard to the decree of the Minister of Health of 23 May  2022,  n.
77, on ‘Regulation laying down the definition of models and standards
for the development of territorial assistance in  Service  health
  Considering that art.15, paragraph 1 letter a), of the law 5 August
2022, n. 118, replaced art. 8-quarter,  comma  7,  del  Legislative Decree
Legislative No 502 of 30 December 1992, providing that accreditation
may be granted on the basis of quality and volumes  dei  services
da  dispense,  as well as ‘  sulla  base   dei   results   of the activity
possibly already carried out, also taking into account the  objectives  di
safety of health care and outcomes  of  activities
of control, supervision  e  monitoring  per  la  evaluation  of
activities   dispensed   in   terms   di   quality,   safety    ed
appropriateness, le  which  modalities  are  definite  with  decree  of
Minister for Health, after agreement within the Standing Conference
for relations between the State, the regions and  le  Provinces  autonomous  di
Trento and Bolzano, pursuant to art.8, comma  6,  della  law  5
June 2003, n. 131;
  Considering that art. 15, paragraph 1 letter b), n. 1) of the law  5
August 2022, n. 118 introduced paragraph 1-bis to art. 8-quinquies
of Legislative Decree no. 502 of 30 December 1992, pursuant to the  which
private entities  interested parties  alla  subscription  degli  agreements
contractual, for the provision of care benefits on behalf of
e  a  load  del  Service  sanitary  national,  are  identified
by transparent, fair procedures and  not  discriminatory,  previous
publication by the regions of a notice containing  criteria
objective selection, which prioritize the  quality
of the specific health services to be provided.  La  selection  di
such subjects must be  carried out  periodically,  held  account
of regional health planning and on  base  di  verifications
of  if any  needs  di  rationalization   della   network   in
convention  e,  per  i  subjects  already  holders   di   agreements
contractual, of the activity carried out;  a  such  Ends  si  keeps  account
also’  of the effective  power supply  in  manner  continuous  e
prompt  del  dossier  sanitary  electronic  (ESF)  ai   Senses
of art.12 of Decree-Law no.&nbsp of 18 October 2012; 179,  converted,
with amendments, by law no. 221 of 17 December 2012,  second  Le
modalities defined pursuant to paragraph 7 of the same art. 12, as well as
of the results of the control activities,  vigilance  e  monitoring
for the evaluation of the activities provided,  le  which  modalities  are
defined by the decree referred to in art. 8-quarter, paragraph 7;
  Detected, because of the above,  the need  di  define  a
homogeneous methodological framework at national level, in compliance with
programming prerogatives  regional,  in  merit  alla  definition
of   activities   di   monitoring,    control    e    supervision
on disbursement  of  performance  sanitary  quali  conditions  di
access by   disbursed  private individuals  al  system  di  Assistance
Healthcare  dispensed  da  part  del  Service   sanitary   national,
through a specific implementation of the activities of  fitting
between  le   discipline   regional   in   matter   di   accreditation
institutional  carried out  from  table  di  work  per  lo  development   e
the application of the national accreditation system;
  Tenuto  account  that  shall  be   identified   dei   relative
indicators for analysis and monitoring of  performance,  homogeneous
at national level  ed  eligible  a  represent  effectively  le
actual operating conditions of  miscellaneous  systems  health
regional, in compliance with the prerogatives of health planning
that  sorting  recognizes  e  guarantees  a  each  region  e
autonomous province;
  Acquired  the agreement  sanctioned  from  Conference  permanent  per  i
relations between the State, the regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento  e
of Bolzano at the meeting of (rep.acts no. 258/CSR);
                             Art. 1

  1.This decree defines, in implementation of  provisions
of articles 8-quarter, paragraph 7 and 8-quinquies, paragraph 1-bis del
Legislative Decree 30 December 1992, n. 502  so  how  modified
by art. 15, paragraph 1, letters a) and b) of the law,  n.
118, the evaluation methods in terms of quality, safety and
appropriateness of the activities provided, to be applied:
    (a) in case of request  di  accreditation  da  part  di  new
public and private or start-up facilities  di  new  activities  in
pre-existing structures, on the basis of the elements set out in Annex
A of this decree, for  quantum  compatible  in  relationship  alla
type of structure considered;
    b) for the selection of private subjects ai  Ends  della  stipulation
degli  agreements  contractual,  sulla  base  degli  elements  di   cui
to Annex B  del  present  decree,  per  quantum  compatible  in
relation to the type of structure considered.
  2.Annexes A and B are an integral part and  substantive
of this decree.
  3. The evaluation activities are developed in accordance with what
is expected  from  system  di  monitoring  e  verification   dei   Levels
essential assistance.
  4. The high vigilance of the __-nbsp remains unchanged; Ministry  della  health  such as
required by current legislation.

                Release evaluations
               new institutional accreditations

  1. Institutional accreditation shall confer on the _- Facilities,  already’
in possession of health authorization,  la  qualification  di  subject
suitable ad  dispense  performance  per  account  del  Service  health
national, has a limited duration in time and is aimed at ensuring
conditions   di   quality,   security,   equity   e    transparency
in the provision of benefits, ensuring consistency  respect  ai
health needs of the community.
  2.The issuance of institutional accreditation  di  which  art.
8-quarter, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree 30 December 1992, n.  502,
in favour of new structures that  ne  facciano  request,  o  For
the start of new activities in existing structures is allowed  in
based on assessment, from  part  di  each  region  e  province
    a) functionality and consistency respect  agli  addresses
current regional programming, in relation to typology e
to the volumes of services to be provided;
    (b) the fulfilment of the accreditation requirements laid down in the requirements laid down; from
region  o  province  autonomous  in  consistency  with   le   indications
of the agreement between the State, the regions and the provinces  autonomous  del  20
December 2012 on the document containing «Specification  per  la  revision
della  legislation  accreditation’  (rep.   acts   n.   259/CSR),
through verification  documental  e  in  loco  pipelines  using
of the technically accrediting body;
    (c) results  of the activity  possibly  already  turning point  da
part of the requesting structure;
    (d) the commitment to pursuit  degli  objectives  di  security
of  performance,  defined  from  region  o  province  autonomous
taking into account the legislation on the management of the  risk  clinical  e
of the safety-related items listed in Annex A  del
present decree;
    e)  degli  outcomes  of  activities  di  control,  vigilance   e
monitoring for evaluation in terms of quality, safety  ed
appropriateness of  activities  dispensed,  second  quantum  listed
in Annex A.
  3.The regions and autonomous provinces shall carry out, within _- a  term
anyway  not  top  a  six  months   from   data   di   release
of accreditation, verification of what is established in points  c)  ed
e) of paragraph 2, for structures that  not  abbiano  carried out  ACTIVITIES
Healthcare    o    socio-health    formerly    al    Release
of accreditation.
  4. The structures referred to in paragraph 2, in possession  of the authorisation
to exercise, which submit the application again  accreditation,  the
accompany a self-assessment, regarding the possession of the requirements
further  di  accreditation  e  alla  conformity   agli   elements
listed in the Annex  A  del  present  decree,  as well as ‘  di  a
activity report  possibly  already  turning point  in  regime  di
  5.It is the responsibility of each region and autonomous province to supervise the
maintenance of  requirements  minimum  authorizations  e  dei  Additional accreditation requirements

                                Art. 3
Evaluation of  activities  with  reference  ai  subjects  private
  accredited persons interested in entering into contractual agreements

  1. In the identification of private subjects for the purposes of  stipulation
of contractual agreements, each  region  e  province  autonomous
takes into account the provisions of  which  art.  8-d,  comma
1-bis, of Legislative Decree no.502 del  1992,  that  require  The
publication of a notice containing objective selection criteria,
that prioritize the quality and minimum volumes of
specific services to be provided. The selection of such  subjects  e’
made   periodically,   held    account    of    specifications
organizational and consistent with programming  regional,  delle
eventual   needs   di    rationalization    della    network    in
convention, of the activity carried out for the subjects already  holders
of chords  contractual,  of the effective  power supply  in  manner
continuative  e  timely  del  dossier  sanitary   electronic,
as well as ‘  degli  outcomes  of  activities  di  control,  vigilance  e
monitoring for the evaluation of activities  dispensed,  carried out
based on the elements  reported  in the Annex   B  del  present

           National monitoring activities

  1. The working table for the development and application of the system
di  accreditation  national,  through  la   own   activities,
ensures that the institutional accreditation system develops
in accordance with the provisions of the present  decree,  monitoring its application
at national level and  lending   if any  support
to the regions and autonomous provinces in the implementation of the modalities
of verification of the elements indicated in Annexes A and B of  present
  2. In the selection of providers, the regions and provinces
autonomous,  in  relationship  al  own  context  territorial,   alla
type of structures  present  e  ai  data  a  they  disposition,
can take into account  dei  results  of the activity  di  monitoring
conducted by the National Agency  per  i  services  sanitary  regional
(AGENAS), relative to   aspects  di  competence  indicated  agli
Annexes A and B of the present  decree,  using,  in  particular,
of the National Observatory  of  good  practices  sulla  safety
in health as well as in the findings of the National Programme outcomes
  3.AGENAS shall draw up and publish a report
with the indication of the results of the monitoring activities of
referred to in paragraph 2, on an annual basis for the  structures  hospital  e
triennale   per   le   other   types   di   dispensers    subjects
to accreditation. The first report is made available by  the  30
November 2023.
  4. AGENAS, within the framework of the activities  del  Program  national
outcomes (PNE), promotes, in collaboration with the  regions  e  provinces
autonomous, integrated audit paths at facilities  dispensers
that  present  values  critics  per  determined  indicators.  Such
paths are aimed at  verify  le  anomalies  through  the
control of  quality  of  encodings  e,  where  necessary,
favor it    the    exceedance     through     specific     audit
clinical-organizational   coordinated   from   AGENAS,   functional   alla
identification of actions of  improvement.  In the fulfillment  di
tali  paths,  AGENAS  can’  avail yourself  della   collaboration   di
professionals  di  proven  experience  in  evaluation  della
  5.The regions  e  le  provinces  autonomous  communicate,  with  cadence
semi-annually, by 30 June and 31 December  di  each  year,  ad
AGENAS, accreditation measures and agreements  contractual
stipulated with accredited private structures, useful for monitoring
referred to in paragraph 2.

                               Art. 5
                          Final provisions

  1.  Le  regions  e  le  provinces  autonomous  adapt   the   own
sorting to the provisions of art.  8-quarter,  comma  7  e
art.8-quinquies, paragraph 1-bis of Legislative Decree no. 502  del
1992 within nine months of the date  di  publication  del
this decree in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.
  2. Within the period referred to in paragraph 1  le  regions  e  le  provinces
autonomous adapt to the provisions of this decree  the  own
system  di  control,  vigilance  e  monitoring  of  activities
provided, defining, in relation to the evaluation elements of  which
to Annexes A and B, indicators taking into account  del  context  del
own territory and the types of structures present, equipping itself
di specific regulation.
  3. Pending the implementation of the provisions of this article
, continue ad  apply  i  previous  criteria  ai  purposes
of accreditation and for the conclusion of agreements  contractual  with
accredited private facilities.Contractual agreements  stipulated
before the adaptation of the regional regulations pursuant to paragraph
1 remain effective until the contractually established expiry.
  4. The verification of implementation of this measure constitutes
fulfillment for access purposes  al  financing  integrative  del
National Health Service for purposes and effects  art.  2,
paragraph 68, letter c), of Law no. 191 of 23 December 2009, extended
starting from 2013 by art. 15,  comma  24,  del  decree-law  6
July 2012, n. 95, converted,  with  modifications,  from  law  7
August 2012, n.  135,  ed  e’  carried out  in the field  del  Committee
permanent for the verification of the disbursement of the LEA referred to in art.  9
of the agreement between the State, the regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento
and Bolzano sanctioned on 23 March 2005.
  5.The provisions of the __- present  decree  are  applicable  in
regions with special statute and in  Provinces  autonomous  di  Trento  e
Bolzano compatible with the statute of  autonomy  special  e  Le
related implementing rules.

                               Art. 6
                       Financial invariance

  1.The regions and autonomous provinces shall implement the  present  decree,
without new or major  charges  a  load  della  finance  publish  e
within the financial framework  programmed  per  the  Service
national health service.
  This decree is published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della
Italian Republic.
                           The Minister: Schillaci

Registered at the Court of Auditors on
Office for the Control of the Acts of the   Ministry  del  work  e  of
policies  social,  del  Ministry  education,  del  Ministry
of University and Research, Ministry  della  culture,  del
Ministry of Health, reg.n. 3275

   ;——                          &_ —      Annex A
                              &_ —     Annex B

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