27 сентября, 2019

Belcolle Viterbo, removed rare tumor of the vena cava to young woman

Rome, 3 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — A young woman underwent an exceptional surgery to remove a rare tumor of the vena cava in the Belcolle hospital in Viterbo. The woman had presented herself in recent days to the emergency room in serious condition. Then the emergency hospitalization for a severe pulmonary embolism caused by a rare left retroperitoneal tumor, with involvement of the renal vein through which he had gone up in the vena cava almost to the heart obstructing it.

The multidisciplinary care, already in the emergency structure — reports a note from the Asl of Viterbo — initially involved doctors, radiologists and resuscitators and allowed to make an immediate diagnosis with the stabilization of the serious clinical conditions in resuscitation. Subsequently, the surgical team performed the removal of the retroperitoneal mass with removal of the neoplastic thrombus from the vena cava. The woman will soon be able to embrace her daughters again.

«Neoplastic thrombosis of the vena cava — comments Roberto Santoro, director of the Oncological Surgery Unit of Belcolle — is a very rare situation that exposes patients to a very high risk of mortality. Radiological imaging techniques allow to carefully evaluate the extent of the disease and to plan the surgical approach necessary for removal. In this case of extreme gravity, it was necessary to use a liver surgery technique called ‘total vascular exclusion’ for the control of the vena cava that was made possible thanks to the extraordinary competence of the anesthesiology team and the operating room nurses in synergy with the surgical one.An otherwise impossible intervention was thus carried out safely».

«Having carried out such a highly specialized surgery at the Belcolle hospital — continues Antonella Proietti, acting general director of the Asl of Viterbo — is the result of the profound process of renewal and modernization that our health structure has undertaken over the years. A path of growth that has developed with a view to multidisciplinarity, with the involvement of an increasing number of public health professionals. And this result is a source of pride for all of us.»

In 2022, more than 200 patients underwent surgery, of which 125 for colorectal cancer, which places Belcolle oncological surgery among the highest volume centers on the national scene.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/belcolle-viterbo-asportato-raro-tumore-della-vena-cava-a-giovane-donna

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