18 июля, 2021

Nuoro, a new model of One Health territorial assistance

Nuoro, 25 Jan. (Adnkronos Salute) — In the ASL 3 of Nuoro takes shape the project to create a new model of territorial assistance of proximity to bring the answers to health needs as close as possible to citizens. A further step in this process took place yesterday morning, in the conference room of the San Francesco Hospital in Nuoro, on the occasion of a workshop entitled ‘The new model of territorial assistance in a One Health perspective’.

A term that literally indicates ‘one health’, in a new approach in which interdisciplinary collaborations and interactions between professionals, even at local level, can represent a new management scheme that contributes to making the organization of the health system effective and sustainable.

The Nuoro workshop represented, in particular, an important moment of confrontation to introduce what is a central professional figure for Proximity Medicine: the community nurse. Professional figure whose ‘experimental’ start in the Social Health District of Sorgono and in the historic Santu Predu district of Nuoro has already given very useful indications to the company management for its even more systematic and effective use.

For the local Nuoro social health company intervened: Paolo Cannas, General Manager, Serafino Ponti, Health Director, Alessandro Carrus, Director of Health Professions, Mauro Pisano, Director of the Cardiology and U.T.I.C. Complex Operating Unitof the San Francesco Hospital, and clinical engineers Eleonora Marchi and Marta Vargiu. Some particularly interesting ideas emerged from the day: in particular, the use of the community nurse as a health reference point in the territory, for taking care of chronic patients and fragile people.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/nuoro-nuovo-modello-di-assistenza-territoriale-one-health

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